18.A flight and a stormy night

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She sat there looking beautiful .More beautiful that those two dimensional photoshopped models on the cover of magazines or any billboard .Her skin was like silk over glass and it radiated an intelligent beauty .She sipped on her beverage while all of her attention was on her tablet .By my guess she was working.

Upon noticing my staring she looked up from the cup of coffee .Most people would look away when caught gawking at someone,I am not most people .I am not going to hide the fact that I find her drop dead gorgeous .She went back to what she was doing.

Her father not showing up for this trip was like a dream come true.I have never recieved better news .His absence meant I would have more alone time with Andrea.

Oh,how I wanted to murder...what's his name again...Lance .I am rich and I have connections so it would be easy to get away with it .He was not to interfere with my plans to woo the exquisuite lady.

Her unearthly beauty was not the only thing I love about her .She was kind,loving,respectable and she had this rare ability to bring out the best in someone who had mastered hiding their true emotions.

At first I thought Lance was her friend or something then I realised that he's her bodyguard .Why would she need one when I am right here? I will protect her at all costs.

There was very little turbulence on the flight .The weather report said that a it my rain in the afternoon and a little in the evening .Miami was notorious for having thunderstorms,I just hoped it wouldn't be during the trip .I prayed there would be no thunder and lightning .On our second date she told me something about being astraphobic

Everything had been organized perfectly for this business trip .It is somewhat uncommon for a business man like Sebastian to personally check on ongoing projects personally .

The last six building my company worked on ,the C.E.Os always sent a trusted worker to make sure everything was right .The feeling is mutual for Sebastian and I,I think that if you want something done properly you should do it yourself .

The trip had to take place that very week.The following week I would be swamped in never ending meetings and my mother's birthday.

I can't say I have the best relationship with my parents but it's not the worst .They were always too occupied to even pay attention to their own children .My mom wasn't that bad,she at least made efforts to get to know us a little bit .The only thing dad wanted was for us to have good grades,go to Ivy league colleges and someday take over the company .I consider the company their child instead of Jayden or I.


Looking outside the window it seemed like we were giant and the people on land were ants in there colonies .We flew over many states such Pennsylvania,West Virginia,North and South Carolina and Georgia .America looked beautiful when you are looking at it from an altitude of over twenty thousand feet.

I noticed the weather getting worse as we began our descent into Miami,Florida .The weather report did call for a rainy afternoon accompanied by thunder .I started to panic .I hate thunder and I'm really scared of getting struck by lightning .I suffer from astraphobia .This is not some TV show,if I get struck by lightning I die and that's it,I won't get super speed.

When I was younger my mom would hold me the whole night till the storm passed .There were only two storms when I was in college and thank God that both times I was with my brother Leo.

The plane landed at the airport a few minutes to three o'clock .When I got off the plane I saw three slick identical black cars with tinted windows parked there.

Standing outside one of the cars was Simon,Damon's personal assistant right next to two large men.In front of the other car was my father's assistant Vivian with a average sized Caucasian male in a black v-neck and trousers. Vivian's ginger locks were neatly tied into a tight bun at the top of her head while she wore a grey skirt with a white top and white shoes.I felt unprofessional dressed comparing her outfit to mine.

I walked over to them.

"Hi "I greeted her.

"Afternoon miss ."She smiled warmly at me."This man over here is James.He and Lance will guard you during your stay in Miami .We need to get going."


Damon, the two of bell-staff and I were in the elevator heading up to our suites. A sudden clap of thunder made me jump .The storm had just began and it was getting worse and worse by the minute .Sensing my fear Damon pulled me closer into a warm embrace .I drank in his intoxicating scent as he held me closer while rubbing circles in my back .He placed a kiss at the top of my head.

I was in a lost in the moment when the elevator does opened .We let go of each other but both of us didn't want .

"If you need anything am here for you."He said sweetly as the bell-staff opened our hotel room doors for us .His room was right across from mine .Off all the rooms in this vast hotel his was across from mine .A part of me didn't mind it liked that turn of events.

The room was decorous and inviting .There was a nicely spread queen sized bed I couldn't wait to get into and a flat screen TV in front of it .There was a work desk and a dresser in it with a small living room .The place had a bath tub and shower .What more could you expect from the deluxe suite of one of the best hotels in the country.

Once the hotel room worker whose name was Steve left I began unpacking while trying to ignore the cracks of thunder outside .It went away for sometime.

I ordered room service since it was almost eight o'clock and I was not planning on leaving the safety of the room .I had already taken a shower so I went to bed .I was terror-stricked hiding in between the sheets .My breathing was erratic and it didn't show any signs of slowing down.

The thunder was getting louder and louder so my heart was beating faster and faster .I got out of the bed and rushed into the bathroom to search for some sleeping pills in the medicine cabinet then I remembered that I was not at home .

What was I going to do?

There was no where to turn,nothing to do,or was there?

"If you need anything,I am here for you."

Not caring that I was only in my pajamas I grabbed my key and rushed out of the room .

I urgently knocked on the door with hopes that it would be opened and I would be saved .Soon enough it swing open revealing the one person I needed at that time.


I am so excited...what? Even the writer gets excited about the story.Sometimes I write things that surprise me.

Will update soon.

Till next time.


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