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Sometimes what I felt for you was anger
Pure ranging anger
It all came from the question
How could you?

All the days you cared bout me
Loved me
Me in your arms
Breathing the same air
Watching the same stars
All gone
When you used to leave me
To be with someone else
Someone new

You said I was different
And hoped I'll never change

Then how can you put me in the shelf
and leave with someone else
Leave my heart shattered
I remember you said I was too jealous
And said everything I wanted to hear
That you guys were just friends
Kissed in the moment
Just a stupid party fun
No feelings
And will always come back to me
Like you did
Only to hold me again
To kiss me again
Make the same promises again

And then go out with someone else again

My days and nights were spent soaking the pillow with my tears
I didn't eat
I forgot what school was
I hated people all again
You kept hurting me
I was angry
I just wanted you back
But you were with someone else
You went away again
I don't know what was I doing in your life anymore
Why would you be with someone like me
A coward, avoids public gatherings, social networking, just be in my books
I am nothing like you
That was when I found solace in the edge of my razor blade
Scars came and went
some stayed.
To me people said winter came too soon
And just when I was ready to walk out of this relationship
You came back
Holding me too tight

Mirror mirror on the wall
Tell me what I want the most?

Dear girl, your heart wants to be in her arms, to share a heart beat, to never let her go again.
Your mind wants to run away from her more than anything
And never come back
Cuz she is the source of all the pain you are feeling
And it knows that she will leave you again for someone better

But she said she loved me and no one else?!

Darling I cannot say it it was a truthful answer or not
You need to decide

And I did
But how could I leave what I love so much
I'm an alcoholic and she was my country malt fermented at unknown doses
The small pain in my chest grew to be a huge one
Too many cuts
Water was over it was cruel
The thunder and lightning were my daily encountered
I tried to be distant
I tied to ignore
Tried to hide and perish

But couldn't
And when I finally met her
She was broken
Said I left her alone
Said I had gone, she feared I wouldn't come back.
She said she missed me
She loved me
Then tears were the only thing I could register
And I swore I would never do that to her again.

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