Chapter 16

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Mason’s POV

I looked the pictures over, again. There were five victims now. Millender was getting more confident, he was striking on the pack lands. He knew this would make us come after him. We didn’t need the humans to get involved in werewolf business.

That would only create problems.

Grayson sighed, tired. We’d been up all night looking over the paperwork. We had to ‘make a case’ against Millender that Finn could approve of.

It was my job to try to anticipate future targets for Millender. We’d have to keep the newer recruits safe. They were all our responsibility. Our pack was responsible for everyone who came in and out of our program. We were responsible for the packs that our men looked after.

“You know Alexia can’t protect herself against someone like Millender.” I commented while still looking over the rosters.

“You think so?” Grayson wasn’t interested. He had bigger worries to tackle.

“We should move her into the house.” I put the files down on my lap and looked at my brother.

He met my eyes. “We can’t bring everyone who needs protection into this house.”

“She’s been exhibiting control worthy of living here.”

“You’d bet your nephew on her control?”

I tore my eyes away from him, looking back down at the files. “You know I wouldn’t bet my nephew on my control.”

“If she loses it, that’ll be on you. She’ll be your responsibility to contain if she lives here.”

I nodded, “Fair enough.”

“I’ll test her after I get some sleep.” He stood from his desk and didn’t even bother to straighten out the papers. Casey would probably be in here soon to clean up her husband’s mess.

I leaned back against the sofa’s armrest. I didn’t want to move the papers around me, so I just took my nap there.

One thing was for sure, I had every intention of watching Grayson while he tested Lexi's control.

Lexi’s POV

I couldn’t get the thoughts of finding the murderer out of my head. I had talked to the group the victim had been training with. There was nothing unusual there…well except for the fact that they were all werewolves.

There was no weird rivalry, no intense competition. No one he even talked too really. All anyone had to say about him was that he was new. No one really knew anything other than that he had gotten there maybe a week ago, and that wasn’t even for sure.

His murder looked like it was just a crime of opportunity. Maybe the killer was waiting for the opportunity for someone to break away from the group and give him an opening.

My thoughts were ripped away from the murder when my group ended the morning jog around the woods. We were waiting for Chris to show up to tell us what we would be doing that day. Chris liked to keep the group on our toes so we couldn’t prepare ourselves.

 It felt like my leg was being electrocuted. The spasm shot down to my toes, while the other spasm shot up past my hip.

I felt my wolf rouse by the suddenness of the pain. She was instantly aware. I didn’t feel as alone in the pain as I had the second before my wolf ascended.

There had been no warning. I hadn’t gotten hit by anything. I wasn’t even running anymore, I had been stretching my good leg.

The severity had me drop to the ground. The intensity made me stop breathing. I could only exhale in gasps of pain and wait for it to stop.

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