Chapter 23

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Check out Maya_2011's story Dragon's Treasure!

It's awesome!

And here's the next chapter!


My head was throbbing when I finally came to. I was so sure that he was going to kill me.

He couldn't believe that I would really attempt to kidnap Willow.

I pushed myself onto my hands and knees. I was instantly hit with a wave of nausea. It took a while for the dizziness to stop. It took even longer when I sat up on my knees. I touched one of the tender spots on my head.

Blood covered my hand like I had just stuck it in a bucket full of blood. It was dark red and clotted. I'd be worried if the blood looked fresh.

It was no wonder I felt so dizzy. The drying blood around me told me I lost a lot of blood.

The blood smelled metallic and made my mouth water. My stomach rumbled. I was starving.

We need to eat something bloody to heal. My wolf grumbled.

"Where am I?" I muttered knowing no one could hear me.

We need to move. The scent of our blood will attract unwanted predators.

"Werewolves are the predators down here. We should just let them find us."

We cannot trust them anymore. Let's move. The wolf pressed. We need to go.

I got to my feet and stumbled to one of the many trees. What if I was going the wrong way? I was low on blood, but I was pretty sure all the bleeding had slowed down, maybe even stopped already.

I took a deep breath and tried to settle. I needed to be level headed so I didn't get completely lost.

I smelled something familiar. I took another, deeper breath. It smelled fresh, like water. Maybe

I was close to the lake. The group ran past it often enough that I knew my best chance of being found was there.

I had to stop and rest against every tree I came across. I was so tired and too weak, but I had to move. My vision started dimming. I was losing consciousness again. I was just too weak to move anymore.

A splash and deep laughing voices gave me some energy.

I tried to whistle to get their attention, but no sound came from my lips.

It wasn't surprising. If they were messing around at the lake they wouldn't hear me coming. My noises would fade into the ambiance.

I took a deep breath and fell to my knees, resting against the tree. I couldn't go any farther. I was too tired, too weak to move. I'd have to count on someone following the scent of my blood.


I dreamt of Roger. It was disturbing. I didn't feel as drawn to him since I wasn't in the room with him. It was like he put me under a spell that I couldn't break.

When I came to, my sore ass told me that no one had found me.  I hissed as I adjusted. I felt a lot better, but I was starving. I got to my feet and did an assessment. My clothes were smothered with dried blood. My hair was stiff and tangled. I knew that it came from the head wound I had.

I finished the walk to the lake.  It was dark and there was no one around. At least from here I knew how to get back to my room.

It didn't take long to get there. When I saw the house, it was dark. All the lights were out. I couldn't believe it. I had been in Rogers control all this time and they could sleep like nothing was wrong.  I felt my wolf rouse. She felt betrayed, I felt betrayed.

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