Daddy don't let me go

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"Daddy dance with me...

I want you to see the woman I've become

Daddy don't let me go...

I want you to know I'll always need your love.

Daddy dance with me, Krystal Keith





"Here you go" Adam said and handed her a cup of coffee. Anjali nodded and took the cup. She looked at the man as she sipped the coffee. He sat down on the couch before her and looked at her expecting her to start the conversation.

Anjali kept the coffee mug on the desk and said, "So....I'm here at this hour at night because...."

"It's morning" Adam said chuckling.

She looked at the watch. 4.30 am.

"This hour at morning" she corrected and continued "because Mrs. Subadra Malik told me a wild story of you being my father"

Adam shifted in his seat and said chuckling, "I don't understand how that is a wild story"

"Tell me the real story with enough proofs if you want me to believe that you're my father!" she demanded.

The smiling demeanour changed and Anjali suddenly regretted her words as she saw his face growing dark and red in anger. Clutching his fist he said with gritted teeth, "I don't have to present any proofs to prove to the world that Anjali Adam Joan is my daughter! Do you get that? NEVER EVER SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!"

Anjali sank back to the couch seeing his outburst and said, "What do you expect me to say Mr. Adam Joan? I was sleeping peacefully and then my brother tells me that I'm your daughter. You expect me to believe whatever Mrs. Malik tells me?"

"Listen...this is not some story that you can use to make Aarav sleep. This is the truth, the reality! It's not like I knew that Arnav Singh Raizada is my son! Hell I never knew what they named my son. I only knew the five year old Anjali whom I rescued from the clutches of devils. 28 years! 8 years inside jail! And then afterwards 10 years in Scotland. I wanted to rush to India and get you both but I couldn't. Stupid laws and stupid restrictions kept me chained to that foreign country. And when I came back, I couldn't find you. I survived 28 years in a hope that I will, one day, find you both! You had a family to look after you. Me? Whom did I have? Just four walls of my house that reminded me of nothing but my dead wife, missing daughter and my newborn son, about whom I know nothing! And finally I found you, in the most unexpected way, at a dinner when I saw Subadra Malik and heard Arnav introducing his sister Anjali, in this hotel room, I was thinking of different scenarios when you both will come to know about this; how to speak to you both and then you walk in demanding the REAL STORY? THIS IS NOT A JOKE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Anjali sat numb. She looked at his face gulping. Adam sighed and stood up. Rubbing his face with his palms he said, "I'm sorry....I have....bad temper!"

Anjali looked down and whispered, "Now I know from whom Arnav inherited that infamous temper of his!"

Adam took a deep breath and poured a glass of water from the jug. Anjali leaned and took the coffee mug. Taking a sip she said, "When I went to bed tonight, I never knew that I will come across such news and then meet my real father. Having him shout at me was the least of least expected!"

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