Nothing to be afraid of

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"There's nothing to be afraid of...

Even when the night changes...

It'll never change

Me and You...."

Night Changes, One Direction





Taking huge effort, he lifted his heavy eyelids, which seemed like a huge door under the effect of wind, and looked at the white ceiling. The ceiling fan was working at a low speed and the room seemed very bright and white.

"Ah you're up!" he heard a voice and looked to his left. There, near the door of the room, was Adam. "How are you feeling?" he asked as he walked towards his bed and pressed a button.

He just looked at him with a blink and watched doctors entering the room.

The doctor checked him up and nurses took out a scissor and white cloth. His eyes followed to their vision and saw a thick white bandage on his right shoulder.

"He's absolutely fine. Needs some rest!" doctor said and patted Adam's shoulder. Adam smiled and thanked him. The nurses finished dressing up his wound, which he didn't bother to look at, and left the room.

"So Daniel...." Adam said and sat before him, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"About what?" he asked, his voice strained.

"Why did you save me?" Adam asked leaning back on the chair.

Daniel smiled faintly. "Felt like I should! How many days was I unconscious?"

"Two weeks! We're in Scotland by the way. Your mother, Khushi and Anjali are out to have food!"

Daniel nodded.

"You went against your brother....for what? Just because it wasn't fair to kill me and my children because of your father's deeds or did you do it for someone particular?" Adam asked smiling.

Daniel looked at him and smirked. "Was it that obvious?"

Adam chuckled and said, "Yes it was!"

"Did she say anything?" he asked.

Adam shrugged and said, "Well she went hysterical that you got shot and was in front of this room instead of her brother's room which is two blocks away!"

Daniel laughed and leaned back on the pillow. "Take rest" Adam said and walked out.





"I'm glad that you're okay?" Khushi said softly and clutched his palm.

He smiled faintly and looked at her, lying on the bed. "I feel so weak" he mumbled.

"Don't speak. You need rest. It'll take a few weeks for the effect of drugs to disappear!" she said and caressed his hair.

He took a deep breath and shifted towards the left in the bed. Patting the right bare side he whispered, "Get on!"

Khushi smiled and lied down. Arnav smiled and hugged her from back resting his head on her shoulder. "I missed you so much" he whispered and hugged her as tightly as he could with his weak hands.

"Me too" she whispered, "I was so scared."

"It's all over" he whispered.

"I want to tell you something" she sat up and turned to him. He nodded and she said, "I never told anyone. I wanted to break it to you on your birthday, next week, but I can't hold it anymore!"

He struggled and sat up.

She smiled at him and said in tears, "I'm pregnant!"

It isn't nice to laugh at people. But it would a lie if Khushi said that Arnav's face did not look laughable. The messy hair wasn't helping either! The man sat gaping with his eyes wide and mouth open in his hospital gown and the bright light from the ceiling was making his gaping features look more presentable and laughable.

And that's what she did.

Khushi burst out laughing and Arnav was jerked from his gaping session.

"Khushi....are you serious..." he cried and held her arm.

She stopped laughing and nodded her head.

"What....I mean....oh my god.....that'"

Khushi sighed and shook her head. Leaning in, she kissed him shut.





"A baby! Ha....chotte is gonna have his own Chotte!" Anjali said laughing and Arnav glared at her.

"I wonder what we'll call the baby. Chotte's Chotte? Chotte 2? Chotte reloaded?" Anjali said and Khushi and Adam burst out laughing.

"We need to work on this" Anjali said to them and Arnav said, "That's enough! You're sassed me enough. Now tell me what's going on between you and the blondie!"

Anjali laughs ceased and Adam and Khushi leaned in interested.

"Um....nothing much!" she shrugged.

"Yeah" Adam said leaning back on the chair, "He just changed sides for Anjali. Anjali just stayed before his operation theatre instead of her brother's and is a regular visitor to her kidnapper's room. And we all saw them having a moment when he was shot and was being taken to the ambulance. So yeah....nothing much between them!"

Arnav chuckled and Khushi raised an eyebrow at Anjali who glared at Adam.

"I saw you di" Khushi said laughing, "You were over him when he was shot. He had his head on your lap and you were like....hovering over him....even I didn't do that for Arnav ji!"

"Yeah and....wait you didn't? WHY?" Arnav cried.

"I don't think that's relevant now Arnav. Now Anjali back to your nothing-much-relationship with Daniel!" Adam said,

"There shouldn't be a relationship" Arnav said sternly as he could, "What is with you falling in love with negative people?"

"Arnav ji" Khushi hissed. Anjali looked down and bit her lip. Adam glared at Arnav who scratched his head sheepishly. Adam sighed and shook his head. He stood up and said, "Anjali....let's go for a walk"

Anjali looked up at him and he nodded smiling. She stood up and he wrapped an arm around her.

"Ok we're leaving you on your own. Try not to make another baby during the time interval. Handling twins aren't easy" he said as he led Anjali out of the room.

"DAADDD" he could hear both his son's and daughter-in-law's cries.

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