Far Away

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"How do I live without the ones I love....

Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned..."

So Far Away, Avenged Sevenfold





"Now" Daniel said sternly, "I want you to behave Ms. Anjali or I'm going to tie up your pretty big mouth" he tied her up against the bed pole. Anjali nodded in fear and looked around the room. It was a luxurious bedroom with posters of many cars and bikes all over the wall. It was a shame that such a beautiful marbled floor and wonderful curtains are being represented by the enormous heaps of clothes at the corner of the room and many sprawled across the floor. She looked at the bed and scrunched her face seeing guy's boxers and socks sprawled across it. She looked back at him who was on his phone.

"This is a mess" she called out.

He looked at her said on phone, "Nathan I'll talk to you later!" he cut the call and raised an eyebrow at her, "Any problem mam? Daniel Stephen at your service!" he bowed and chuckled.

"Look around the room" Anjali said with a puking face.

"My room!" Daniel said and spreading his arms, "My sanctuary!"

"Why am I being tied up in YOUR room?" Anjali cried.

He smirked and walked towards her. Anjali sucked a breath and gulped. She moved back as she can to the edge of the bed since the tied up hands didn't allow her to run away from the bed. He sat near her on the edge of bed and removed the strands of her hair that fell to her face from the braid she had made. "You wanna know why?" he whispered as he lingered his eyes at hers. Anjali shook her head in no. "No?" he whispered as he leaned closer. Anjali started breathing heavily and tilted her head backwards far away from his face.

He caressed her cheek and whispered, "I'll tell you why" he smiled sweetly but the next moment said loudly, "BECAUSE I CAN'T LET YOU ESCAPE AND RUN TO YOUR BASTARD FATHER! DO YOU GET ME!"

Anjali froze under his loud voice. He stood up and pointed a finger at her, "The less you talk the more you stay unharmed Ms. Adam Joan!"





Arnav opened his eyes slowly. He saw someone near him forwarding a chocolate bar. He slowly sat up and realized that he was on a soft comfy bed. He saw an old woman smiling kindly at him. "Have it. Your sugar levels would rise!" she said forwarding it.

He chewed the chocolate and looked around the room. It was a luxurious neat bedroom. With no windows, he should add. No chance of escape. The AC was on its full power and he started shivering.

"Oh my, let me reduce that" the old lady said noticing him shivering.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Patrick's mother, dear!" she said smiling, "Patrick said about you. You both work together don't you?"

Arnav frowned but nodded along.

"Ah, he said how you fell unconscious and brought you here. You will be staying here until you're fine!" she said patting his cheek, "I'll bring you some hot porridge" she said and turned to the door when she saw Patrick entering.

The woman walked out of the room and Patrick looked at him with cold eyes, "I told her a story and I want you to act along it. One wrong move and then, your sister is dead!"

Arnav said nothing but glared at him. Patrick said in a low deadly tone, "I'm a man of words and when I say that I'll finish your sister if you move against me, I WILL DO THAT!" and he stormed out of the room.





"Well Adam, I don't know much about Mr. Ryder. Heard that he married an 18 year old at the age of 40 but nothing more than that!" the man at office said.

Adam nodded as he ran his eyes through the file that says professional details about Mr. Stephen Ryder Paul.

He smiled at the man and walked out of the office. He met Khushi who was waiting outside. "Got any information?" she asked. He shrugged no in disappointment.

"Well I did!" she said smiling proudly.

He raised an eyebrow and she looked around. She dropped her voice in a low whisper and said, "Your university is a scandalous one papa. Your beloved professor had a fling with the lab assistant here!"

Adam rolled his eyes and said, "Stephen had a fling with everyone Khushi!"

"Oh" Khushi said, "Well this lady gave me details about him. The woman he married, well apparently the fling started the next day after the marriage, her name is Michelle Rodriguez. They had two sons and after Stephen's death the kids were taken to their mother's house, which is just one hour from here! I've the address. Let's go!"

Adam gaped and said, "WOW. I mean....you seem experienced in this!"

Khushi laughed and said, "Well let's just that this isn't the first time you son has gone missing!"

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