A Bit of Fun

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A/N: I wrote a note on my wall about how I need to basically make a flow chart for both my books with regards to character's names, looks, personalities, connections, medicinal plants&plant properties, Magic, and many other things that take to long to list. So I'll post another chapter hopefully in the next couple days. I just saw that someone tagged me in something though so I'll do this little thing. 

@Kenny_dowson was the one who tagged me so I'll fill out this little 'Questionnaire' the best of my abilities. 

Name: Chelsie AKA MadamKhaos

Taken or Single: Married (Without all the paperwork and a wedding. We're still married even if we don't have a piece of paper saying 'these two are married'.. just saying. -_-)
Crushing: My wife
How Tall: 5'7''
Favorite Color: Neon Green
How Many Kids: None but I do have two cats and they're my fur babies. 
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Last thing I drank: Sprite
Goth or Emo: Uh? is this a preference or how I dress? If it's about the way I dress then I'd say it's more 'Lazy chic' 
Glasses: I don't have any but I need them. The last pair I had, the prescription stopped helping.
Make-up or Nah: Both. I enjoy wearing make-up to boost my self esteem or to give me a 'mask' when I leave the house. But honestly I hate the way it feels on my skin and when I'm at home with my wife I don't even bother. 
Cats or Dogs: I refuse to choose because if I had to it would be me choosing cats and dogs over humans. 
Evil or Good: I'm a right b**** to be honest but that's because I find most everyone and everything annoying. I prefer books to people any day. I'm really nice to people who enjoy reading as much as I do though. lol
Favorite Sport: I can't do sports anymore do to health problems but if you count this as a sport then it would have to be competitive dancing. I used to love dance competitions. 
Favorite Animal: Do I really need to choose? Maybe a toss up of a Ferret, Otter, or a Sugar Glider.
Weird or Not: Depends on your definition of weird. My definition of weird may seem normal to you and your weird may seem normal to me. I'm damn normal. Pfft. 
Hater or Not: Well I used to have people think my last name was literally Hater- ee instead of Hattery like a store with hats.. So imagine how annoying being called a hater every day was. -_- Or the joke 'Mad as a Hatter', which I found to be kind of funny so i tattooed it on my back. 
Funny or Not: In Junior High I was nominated and won 'Class Clown'. *shrugs* I never thought I was that funny but others did and still do. 
Smart: I suppose. My favorite subject was Math.

Apparently it demands me to tag people but honestly I don't know who to tag so instead how about, you as my readers, leave a comment with your own information. It would be nice to get to know a bit about the people who find my books intriguing. 

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