Chapter Five -

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It was now Friday. The week pasted by and I gew closer and closer with the girls as well as Mr. Todd. I would stop casually walk by the music department hoping he was stop me to have a little chat. Oh and if he didn't, then I would go to his office after school and just chat until it was my curfew. Most nights were normal and calm, but one night in particular stood out. As if it were a flamboyant vegas show girl in a line of nuns. Maybe that was a bit too extreme, but basically, I hadn't even tried setting this conversation up. In fact, it was him who started to dialog... not me. 

"How did you do on the Spanish exam?" Milly asked us. Gracie looked at me before answering. I hinted she could go first.

"Great, I know I passed it!" she said smiling brightly.

"Well that's just 'cause your mom's spanish Gracie! I passed out of pure talent! How 'bout you, Cass?" Milly said. 

I looked up at her with my big glossy eyes. I didn't want to tell anybody, but that fucking Spanish test pretty much crashed my whole entire day. "I probably failed," I muttered.

Gracie came over to comfort me but I just shooed her away. "Y'all, I'm so damn thirsty! Are you allowed out of your room? I am gonna literally pass out inna minute!" I asked. 

"Just use the bathroom tap," Gracie said.

"Our cold water's broken, smart-ass!" Milly snapped jokingly. 

"Oh, yeah!"

"I'm just gonna go down the the nearest water fountain, where is that?" I asked sounding probably just as stupid as I thought I was.

Milly gave me the "are you serious?" look and then walked me just out the door and pointed. I laughed, thanked her, and she went back inside. I starred down the long an dark hallway. I wondered down it. Unintentionally, I could feel myself gravitating towards "M" block (which was just around the corner) to see Mr. Todd, when almost as if I had planned it, I ran into Mr. Todd. 

"What the hell are you doing out of bed?" he asked keeping his voice at a low. 

"I was just going to get some water, I.. I.." I began. My head felt as if it were being invaded from all areas. My eye lids grew heavier as well as my body and I spoke up, "Sir, I don't feel too well!" 

"Oh, Cassie, my oh my," he said seemingly jokily. We both just stood there, pressed up against the wall. "Here come in my office, I have some asprin, don't tell, I'm not allowed to give students medication." We turned down the hall and went into his office. I sat down on the red puffy chair I always sat on. While he persistently looked for the medicine, I had a quick look at his bulletin board. It was covered in news articles including things about the schools' music program, some even included articles specifically about him. One thing caught my eye in particular, and of course, it was a picture of him and a beautiful lady about his age. The two of them seemed overwhelmingly happy somewhere on a sunny beach. "Here's the! -" he paused as he saw me looking at the picture. "That's my wife and I on our honeymoon last year," he said smiling and he pulled the picture down.

"Where was it?" I asked.

"Florida/Alabama area, told you I loved them southern accents!" he laughed.

"Good choice!" I said passionately. 

"My wife chose it, I just wanted to go to the Jersey Shore, but no, it had to be fantastic!" he sighed.

"I've always wanted to go to the beaches in Jersey."

"Same, I've never been either.. It's my 26th birthday next weekend, hopefully my wife treats me to a trip there?" I laughed. He handed me the medicine. "How was orchestra by the way, I couldn't make it to the rehersals?" 

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