Chapter Nine - Friends... with benifits?

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As soon as we had arrived to what I was told was "Matt Jones's house", we had basically set foot in to a full on rave. I turned to my side to ask Iris if she could help introduce me to any of these people seeing as I hadn't a clue in the world to who they were. To my surprise, I realised I had been ditched at the door by BOTH Iris and Tania and was left on my own. I guess that wasn't the whole truth, I had Rickey and his friends. I expected to feel awkward and alone after being separated from the girls, but instead I felt probably the complete opposite. After maybe a drink or two, I begun to fit right in. I had all of the boys' full attention and they were all looking up at me. The only question was if they were sticking around because my stories truly intrigued them, or if they thought they could get me drunk enough to sleep with them. 

"So, basically, if," I said, pausing after a girly burp, "if I HADN'T gone to boarding school, chances are I wouldnta met y'all!" I said stupidly. I had clearly run out of things to say, so I think I was just picking out the most obvious details about my life and sprinkling them in their faces. Again, to my surprise, they just laughed. Rickey scooted closer to me. His beautiful deep eyes kept my blue ones focused on him and him only. 

"Well I'm glad you went to boarding school, then," he whispered in my ear. Almost seconds after that, he grabbed my face and pulled it towards his. He kissed me. Without control I passionately kissed him back as I threw myself on top of him. Out of the blue, as we were in the middle of kissing, I came down with some sort of laughing spell. "What?" He asked. 

"I don't know?" I said giggling like an idiot. By now his friends made their way over to a girl of their choice while I stayed with Rickey. He stroked my cheeks with his warm fingers. I looked up at him, ready to kiss him again when Iris and Tania came trampling down the stairs by where me and him were stationed. 

"Come on you filthy slut! Let's go home, I'm fucking tired!" Iris screamed. 

"And drunk!" Tania added. I got up from the sofa and joined them. 

"Call me?" Rickey said. I scavenged around in my bag for a pen. Once I found one I wrote on his arm my number. 

"No, you call me!" I said winking at him.

He looked down at his tan muscley arm and stroked the pen marks. I think I liked him.... maybe a little too much. 

  Tania and Iris practically dragged me out of the house seeing as I was (quote) "too drunk to handle my shit". Well, that's what I told them. I think the reason I couldn't walk was because I was married to my 6 inch heels. As a result of this, I found myself trailing behind the two girls by at least ten feet. Although I was behind them by quite some distance, I could still accurately hear their conversation about makeup and boys. None of it seemed to intrigue me to any extent until my name was mentioned. Tania looked back at me. "Yeah, I agree," she said.
"What?" I asked, clueless.
"We were just saying you would look good my color," Tania said.
"Excuse me?" I asked again, clueless. I had a lot to learn.
"Blonde, is what she meant," Iris hissed. I smiled timidly. I didn't want to change my hair color. I started stroking my brunette wavy mess of hair.
"I guess," I said.
"I'm dying your hair tomorrow," Iris informed me. I thought of a way out of it.
"Oh no, dye is expensive, we won't have time and -" I started stammering.
"I already have some in the bathroom, all of us are staying the weekend, and?" Iris sneered.
"My mom would KILL me!"
"Grow up, Cassie," Iris said.

I wasn't going to get into another fight with her, she intimidated me. We were going home 'the long way' which to no extent helped my situation with my feet. I trailed behind, again about 10 feet. We turned down some familiar streets and familiar shops until I got to a building I knew at once; Braedon Todd's house.

If I hadn't been as drunk as I was, I would have been able to say I saw him sitting there, smoking a cigarette. Because I was drunk, I wasn't even going to entertain the idea of him, I couldn't handle it. I dashed up faster to catch up with Iris and Tania and we continued our way back to school.


Sorry it's so short! I can't have any internet access for a while... new house and stuff... ): I will be able to update every once in a while though!!! and i am still writing this down in my journal.. so i've actually nearly finished!!! hahahah





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