Chapter 5...

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Song: Lose My Mind-Dean Lewis 

Brock's Pov....

Walking through the doorway of my old bedroom brought back tons of memories. My room had the same bed, some of the same little knick knacks, and a some of my baseball trophies. It was clear my mom had gone through here sometimes but she mostly left it alone.

The house was basically the same as when I left, besides a few new pieces of furniture and the kitchen looked to be redone. Memories I had pushed aside were rushing back as I unpacked my bags. We were going to leave in an hour to go to the festival. Apparently my parents were helping out this weekend and wanted to get there as soon as it started.

As I jumped in the shower I couldn't help but wonder how it was going to be being here. From what I heard from my mom, people here loved me and watched me play baseball every time we played. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to people and have them question when I would be back. Coming here is meant to be relaxing. I just hoped it would be.

In no time I was dressed and getting in the car with my parents. It felt weird to ride in the back and not be driving. For the past few years it has only been me, it was throwing me off. Per my mothers request I was dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I had forgotten it gets cold here at night, so I would probably be glad I had long sleeves on.

The entire car ride to the festival one thought kept popping into my head. Was she going to be there? She probably wouldn't be. It's been 6 years, she's probably moved on already and gotten out of this town. But I couldn't stop the little part of me that wished I would see her again just once.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I walked beside my parents as my mom talked animately. I barely heard what she was talking about, my eyes taking in everything. The fall festival was just as it had been all those years ago. There were more white tents then before, it looked like a few more rides were put up in the far back, from here I could hear a band playing, and tons of people walked around.

It was a bit after 6 but the place was packed. Teens walked around in groups, little kids yelled and dancing around their parents feet. Everything about this festival screamed home. The further we walked in the better I felt. It felt nice being back already. I missed the friendly, home-y atmosphere this place had.

Walking around to different booths I got stopped a few times with people talking about my baseball, but so far it wasn't bad. Next to me my mother beamed and went on about how she was so proud of me. All I could was smile and inwardly groan.

My parents were stopped talking to someone, leaving me to look around on my own. I walked a bit away from them only to stop when something caught my eye. I did a double take to make sure what I saw was real.

Standing a row across from me was the only girl I have ever truly been in love with...Haley Gardner. Haley was my high school sweetheart, well ex-high school sweetheart. We were perfectly fine until I left for college. She was suppose to come out with me a year later but that didn't happen. We slowly stopped talking and that was it. I never found out why she stopped talking to me.

Looking at her I felt my heart race up a bit. From right here she looked mostly the same as she did 6 years ago. Her blonde hair was slightly shorter than her waist length I use to know. My eyes raked up and down her form, noticing how nice her jeans fit her long legs. But what really got my attention was the little girl in her arms.

My eyes widened as she kissed the little girls head and then looked up at some guy standing next to her. From where I stood I could only see half of the guys face but he was smiling. For some odd reason seeing that made my heart sink. Haley was married and had a kid.

It really shouldn't have surprised me. She was amazing and I always knew she would make a great wife and mom. I just always thought it would be with me, not someone else. But that was a long time ago. We haven't been together in years so it only made sense she finally moved on.

Glaring at the guy and getting angry at myself I turned around and walked away. I didn't need to see that again. I didn't even think she would be here but yet here she is and happy. Why it hurt seeing that, I don't know. She wasn't my anything anymore, so I had no right to be upset. We ended years ago and I should have know she would be here. This was her home town after all.

"There you are sweetie." My mom's voice cut through the red fog I was seeing. I clenched my jaw, not really sure I wanted to be back home anymore. "We have to go see hi to the Lawson's. You remember the their son Johnny right?" Hearing the excitement of my mothers voice I plastered on a fake smile. Tonight I'll pretend like I am having a good time for my mom's sake. And maybe tomorrow I will find a way to L.A.

* * * * * * *

The next thirty minutes my mom tugged me after to meet people after people. To be honest I would have rather walked around by myself but she was not having it. It seemed she was having the time of her life showing me off to people in town. Most of the people I met I hardly remembered since it had been so long since I have been home.

Word that I was back in town seemed to spread as more and more people came up to greet me. Apparently I was the hit of the town and everyone was a fan of me. It was odd having people come up and go on about how great I was. Sure I got it quite a bit back in L.A but here I didn't think it would happen.

I didn't mind it but after a while I was tired of it. I wasn't really anyone special but no one here seemed to get that. It was almost like they forgot I was just a small town guy. Somehow I got lucky enough to be able to play for the MLB.

"Mom I think I am going to go walk around for a bit." I said after saying goodbye to some guy. I had enough of talking to people for a bit.

"I thought-"

"Honey let the poor boy go." My dad interrupted my mom. "Let us know if you are going to stay out late." He sent me a smile before grabbing my moms hand and steering her away. I let out a sigh of relief and mentally thanked my dad for getting my mom away from me. Finally, a moment of peace.

Tucking my hands in my pockets I started to slowly walk around to each booth. The air was cool and fresh, something I had missed in the city. L.A was so clogged and just too busy to enjoy anything. Here things seemed to slow down and give you a moment to take in the fresh air.

Thankfully after separating from my parents I was left alone. I could still feel a few stares as I passed by but nothing too annoying. I was able to walk around the booths without getting asked for an autograph or a picture, which was very nice. I always felt awkward at stuff like that.

Coming around a corner I dodged a group of young teenagers, only to run smack into someone. Instinctively my arms shot out to grab the person that was falling backwards. I yanked them back only to have them smack against my chest. I wobbled for a second before I got a good look at the person I ran into.

It was like God did it on purpose. Standing there in front of me was none other than Haley Gardner.

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