Chapter 14...

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The car ride to the high school baseball field didn't take to long. The high school was only ten minutes from my house and with everyone still at the festival the roads weren't busy. Tomorrow, Sunday, was the final day of the festival so no doubt everyone was there to get in the fun before it was over. No doubt it will be busy with the firework show and concerts they put on.

As we drove Brock commented on how things had changed since he was here. More homes were built, a few really old ones demolished, new business's. To him I bet everything did look different. 6 years can do that to a town.

"Are we heading to the high school?" Brock asked as we got closer.


"Haley we drove this same road for 4 plus years, I recognize it."

"Yes fine we are."

"Why? I mean not that I didn't like high school but..." He trailed off.

"I just want to show you something."

"You know making out in the janitors closet isn't really that fun anymore." Brock teased, making me roll my eyes at him.

"In your dream Spencer."

A minute later my car made it up the hill the high school sat on. The place looked the exact same. It was kind of hard to believe we graduated about 6 years ago. Pulling into one the many empty parking spots I shut the car off and turned to Brock.

"Ready?" A smile played at the edges of my lips.

"Should I be concerned?" There was a teasing tone to his voice.

"Stop being a worry wort." I opened the door and got out. "Where's the fearless Brock Spencer I use to know that got in trouble all the time?"

"I didn't get in trouble."

"Yes you did and I was the one to bail you out."

"No you didn't. I am Brock Spencer, I never got in trouble everyone loved me."

"Remember Senior year when you and the baseball team let a goat loose in the halls for prank day?"

"Damn that was the best day." Brock laughed.

"And who made sure you didn't get expelled or suspended?" I raised and eyebrow at him.

"Wait, that was because you?"

"I managed to persuade the principle that if you and the other guys got suspended it would ruin your chance at getting into a good college."

"I still got detention for a week!"

"I didn't say I was God." Beside me he laughed, the sound music to my ears.

"I never knew it was because of you." From the corner of my eye I noticed him look over at me. "I guess I owe you a long over due apology."

"I guess you do." I replied, smiling over at him.

"Okay so why are we here?"

"Come." Walking beside Brock, our arms occasionally brushing against one another's, I lead him towards the front door. Pulling the door open I gestured for him to enter.

"Are we breaking and entering?"

"No I called in a favor." Last night I called a teacher friend of mine to see if she could leave one of the doors unlocked for us. I didn't think she would actually do it though.

"Damn this place has not changed." We walked the down the hallway. Our footsteps echoing in the empty place. I hadn't walked these halls in years and now flashbacks bombarded me. Glancing over at Brock I noticed the same thing must be happening to him too, a smile on his lips as he looked around.

"This is one of the things I wanted to show you." I said as we turned the corner. A second later we came to a stop in front of a glass trophy case. The baseball trophy case to be exact.

I stood there watching as Brock looked at the contents inside. I knew the moment he spotted it as he leaned in closer.

The trophy case held every single trophy the baseball team ever won, pictures of the baseball team year after year. The reason I brought Brock here was to see the baseball he had thrown in the last championship game of his senior year, sitting there with his signature on it. Beside it was a picture of the entire team and a picture of Brock standing there holding the championship trophy with a huge grin plastered to his face.

Other trophies they had won while he was on the team were there also but the last championship game trophy was the most important. It was because of that game Brock got offers to tons of colleges. Scouts from all over came to that game to see him. Him winning the game for the team pushed them all to want to sign him.

Even to this day I can still hear the crowds screaming as Brock threw strike after strike, never once walking or letting a player hit the ball. It was an incredible game. To this day the baseball team hasn't won as many games or the championship since Brock left.

"How long has this been here?" Was the first thing Brock said after a few minutes of silence. His voice was thick and low.

"They put it here a year after we graduated I believe." His face was inches from the glass. I stayed quiet, letting him have a moment.

"Wow." Was all he said as he eventually took a step back.

"There's one more thing."

"What?" He turned to me in a daze.

"You'll see." Automatically my hand grabbed his and tugged him after me. I hadn't even realized what I did until a second later. I went to pull my hand free but his fingers lacing through mine and squeezing it made me stop.

I had forgotten how good his hand felt in mine. They just fit perfectly together. I've read tons of books saying the same thing and always thought it was crap, but with Brock our hands just fit. They always had.

Neither of us said a word as I lead us back outside and towards the baseball field. I tried to ignore the feeling of his hand in mine and the warmth he brought but I wasn't succeeding. My mind kept flashing back to memories of us walking hand in hand through the school halls.

"About a year ago I got a letter in the mail." I started to say as he got closer. "The school had sent out a letter to basically everyone in town actually." If someone hadn't gotten a letter they still heard about what was going on.

Brock looked at me curious as to why I was telling him this.

"The school had decided they were dedicating the baseball field to someone." Just then the baseball field came into view. Straight ahead, incased in glass case was a familiar jersey with the number 17 on it. It was put right behind the pitchers mound behind the fence. You couldn't go into the stands without seeing it. Attached to the fence behind the jersey was a plaque.

"They dedicated the baseball field to you Brock."

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