Chapter 13....

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Haley's Pov...

When my alarm went off the next morning at 8 o'clock I was out of bed in seconds. Knowing I was going to see Brock soon had me suddenly excited. I don't know where it came from but I woke with a smile on my face.

Brock's face had stuck in my head all night as I tossed and turned. When I did eventually fall asleep all I dreamt about was him. Who knew that after being with him for only a few hours would make me feel this way again.

I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up or anything but I was excited to spend today with him. Show him around town, learn more about his life after all this time. At least when he left this time it would be on a good note, not like last time.

So with the thought of spending the day with an 'old friend', I jumped in the shower. I had two hours until he would show up so I spent my time washing my hair, picking out a cute outfit, and doing my hair.

A part of me wanted to look good for Brock. Almost in a 'this is what you missed out on' type of thing. It took me a good fifteen minutes to finally choose something. I didn't want to come off as trying to hard but I also didn't want him to think I didn't care either. It was annoyingly frustrating.

I ended up picking out a pair of cute blue skinny jeans, with holes in the knees. And a paired it with a simple black tank top, with an oversized black and white long sleeve jacket thing. It looked cute enough and I knew if I changed again I would just hate that too. 

I spent more time in the bathroom than I normally did. I curled my blonde hair in soft waves, and I actually spent time adding more than mascara to my eyes. It felt weird getting so dressed when I haven't in forever. I think the last time I did was on one of my last dates about 5 months ago.

By time I had finished with my makeup and come downstairs it was already 10:30. The moment my foot hit the bottom step I heard voices, making me pause. It took me a minute to remember my brother was here. I had gotten use to the empty house the past few months.

Coming into the kitchen I smiled at the sight of Lucas and Megan moving around the kitchen. I had missed having someone around instead of just silence. Leaning against the door frame I watched my brother dance around the kitchen like a goofball while Megan laughed.

When Lucas caught sight of me he instantly stopped. His cheeks turned a soft pink in embarrassment.

"Lucas I've lived with you for 18 years. I've seen everything." I waved him off, coming into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

"Why are you so dressed up?" He switched the topic, looking me up and down.

"I'm going out."

"With?" I heard the change in tone as he asked. He was turning into his brother mode. It was very cute and sweet and not at all threatening.

"Brock." I shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, and that I wasn't a ball of nerves.

"Haley." The way he said my name knew he was about to say something I didn't want to hear. "Do you think that is a good idea?"

"I am just going to show him the field before he leaves."

"Did you forget what he did to you?"

"No. But I don't need to keep dragging up the past. It happened and now we are two different people, doing their own thing." Sitting off to the side Megan looked between us curious at our conversation.

"I know you still have-" I knew what he was going to say and I interrupted him.

"I don't. Not anymore, things have changed. I can be civil to him while he is here. He leaves in a few days anymore." I wanted to believe my own words but I didn't. I would never fully be over Brock. Yes he hurt me beyond repair but it was in the past and I can't be mad at that; not anymore.

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