Chapter 11...

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The next hour was spent walking around the festival. A few new booths came today that weren't there last night. Since it was Saturday it seemed the entire town was out and about. We kept getting stopped by people asking for pictures or even autographs, and the entire time I had to hold back my laugh at Brock's face.

He may be somewhat famous but I could still see the guy I grew up inside of him. Brock wasn't all that different than when he left; better looking of course. He smiled for each photo, he shook hands and listened as people congratulated him on his career. The humble guy I use to know was still there.

I think that is why walking beside him was bringing back old feelings I had shoved deep down. It was like no time passed between us as we laughed, joked, brought up old memories. Neither of us brought up what happened between us and I didn't want to. He was going to go back to LA and I was going to stay here, things wouldn't change so why bring up something that will just re-open old wounds.

I had forgotten what it was like to be around Brock Spencer. He had this natural happiness and energy that came off of him in waves, effecting everyone around him. I found myself smiling wider than I have since my mom passed. I felt this sort of...calm settle over me. It was one of the reasons everyone loved him so much.

I knew it was a bad sign. Just spending an hour with him I could feel myself reverting to my old self. To the girl that was madly in love with the star baseball player and golden boy of the town. It would be easy to fall back into the girl too. Oh it could be so easy, but I couldn't. This boy had broken my heart and would again, that much I was sure of.

Knowing that he would be leaving soon I still let myself for just a brief moment walk beside him and think about what would have happened if he hadn't left. I soaked up the feeling of being right here because I knew in just a few days I'd be left here alone, again.

* * * * * * ****

"So, your sister tells me you play Soccer in college?"

"Yeah. And I have some big news."

The four of us were sitting at a random table in the middle of the festival, taking a break from walking in the crowds. Each of us had freshly made lemonade, and my brother and Megan were sharing the best pretzels ever.

"What?" I leaned forward, slightly worried about what he was about to say next. Me eyes jumped to Megan who was grinning widely at him. "Please for the love of god don't tell me you are pregnant! You guys are only freshman and have so much to do in your lives. I am way, way, way, too young to be an Aunt!"


"God no!" Both Lucas and Megan yelled. The look on the both of their faces was enough for me to know it wasn't true. I threw my head back and sent a silent thank you. I was definitely too young to be an Aunt.

"Why would you think that?" Lucas asked, the tips of his ears slightly pink.

"When someone says they have big news, and then bring home a girlfriend, and have this look about them, I have to assume. Not my fault." Beside me Brock shook with silent laughter. "Don't tell say you weren't thinking the same thing." I shoved his shoulder.

"I wasn't." Brock held up his hands.

"Whatever." I muttered.

"Well to continue with my news." My brother sent me a look. "I made first string for soccer."

"That is great news!" I suddenly yelled, beaming at my brother. That was way better news than what I thought before. "I thought you said they didn't let freshman start?"

"They normally don't." Megan answered with a wide grin of her own.

"I am so proud of you Lucas." I stood up and went around the table to hug my brother. It meant the world to me that my brother was doing something great with his life. He deserved it so much. Swallowing back tears that suddenly wanted to show I hugged him tightly before stepping back.

I sat there with a grin on my face as Brock and Lucas talked about soccer. It was so hard to believe my baby brother was growing up. In my mind he was still the little 5 year old that would follow me around. Now here he was in college, with a real girlfriend, and now starting on the soccer team. Before I know it he is going to graduate then start his own family. That thought alone made my heart clench.

I looked over at my brother checking him over. His face seemed slimmer and he had slight stubble on his face. It was my job to make sure he ate and got enough sleep at school. Lucas has been my full responsibility since he was 12. When our mom got sick I had to take over everything, including bossing my brother around.

Lucas was the one thing I haven't lost and I hoped to keep it that way.

"Well Megan and I are going to walk around a bit." Lucas said, bringing me back into the conversation.

"You guys go, I'll see you back at home in a bit."

Soon they both walked off leaving Brock and I alone once again. I glanced over at him only to find him already looking at me.


"It's just...its weird seeing Brock so grown up."

"Tell me about it. I know my mom would be denying that the fact that her youngest is now 18." When I turned 18 my mom had a small melt down that her oldest was an adult and that she couldn't be that old. Can't imagine what she'd do now if she was here.

"Haley about your mom."

"Brock it's okay. I know you were too busy to make it, it's okay."

"No Haley it wasn't okay. You should have told me. I would have dropped everything to be here."

"What do you mean?" Again he was acting as if he hadn't gotten any of my messages. Didn't his parents tell him too? "Brock I sent you-" Once again I was cut off by a phone ringing.

Brock fumbled for his phone. Looking at the screen he let out a sigh before answering.

"Hey Mom." I leaned back, letting him talk to his mom. Why was he acting as if I didn't tell him, that I was that horrible of a person to not tell him. My mom was like his second mom so of course I would tell him.

I had left a lot of messages hoping that he would get them and come, but he didn't. Brock never once replied or gave any notice that he saw my messages. I would have thought his parents would tell him too but I don't think they did.

"Yeah I'm on my way." Brock hung up and turned back to me. "Sorry my mom needs me home. No doubt she has something planned." A small smile graced my lips at the thought. Brock's parents were really great. I still see them once in a while around town but we keep our distance normally.

"That's okay you go. You know your mom, she doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"Remember that one time she gave the two of us a lecturing for being late to dinner." Brock smiled, shaking his head. 

"We were only 5 minutes late." I laughed at the memory.

"That's my mom for you." Brock stood up, me mirroring his actions. "Listen Haley..."

"Are you free tomorrow?" I interrupted him. A sudden idea coming to mind.

"Uh, I think so why?"

"Come by my house at 11. I want to show you something." Brock seemed surprised, and I didn't blame him. I was surprised at myself.

"You aren't going to kill me are you?"


"That doesn't sound reassuring."

"Don't worry I will bring you back to your mom's in one piece. So yeah?" I gave him a little smirk.

"Okay but as long as you don't ruin this beautiful face."

"That will be hard." I teased. "Don't be late tomorrow." Deciding to mess to with him I started walking in the other direction.

"Wait where are you going?" He called after me.

"Away from you."

"What is your address?"

"You already know it Spencer!" With another smirk over my shoulder at him I walked off to find my brother. 

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