Chapter 5 : Ezarra

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The realization wasn't a good one. The Vampire King? Why would he want us? It didnt make much sense. And his actions? None of it made sense at all.

We couldnt have been that important to be noticed by the king. There were many others here. He could have easily just gone to see them but He didnt. He came straight over here without hesitation.

Leon's breaths faltered for a moment as He came to the same realization. His hold around my waist lossened before tightening again as his breathing went back to normal.

"Don't worry," the young Vampire said softly. "Nothing bad will happen to you. In fact, my father purchasing you is better then anything else. All the other Vampires in this kingdom arent as.. Easy you could say."

His words were comforting in a way but with everything that had already happened here I wasnt so sure he would be any different.

My eyes flickered up to Leon and he looked back down at me with a slight nod before focusing on the Vampire again. He was always good for reading my thoughts. It was even more easy now that we were bound as one.

"Excuse Her bluntness," Leon started. "But who are you?"

The Vampire smiled a large grin, his fangs once again showing from beneath his upper lip. "Its quite alright I assure you. Its understandable that you dont know who I am. My name Is Nixon, The son of King Kain. As you know we are Vampires."

I nodded and watched Nixon as he spoke. His posture was relaxed but his stance was proper. What I did notice was his hands were balled into fists at his side, making his white skin even more paler then it should have been.

It was as if he was relaxed but on guard, waiting for something to happen even. Almost like he didnt trust the people around him. There was nothing here that could hurt him so it didnt make much sense as to why he would carry himself the way he did.

Leon took me from my thoughts as he spoke again, his gaze souly focused on Nixon. "I see, I'm Leon and this is my Mate Ezra." He replied, his arm staying securely around my waist.

"Ezra?" Nixon spoke, his tone more soft and curious. "As in the goddess Ezarra? Like the Warrior Goddess?" He asked, his green eyes scanning over me with a sort of fire.

"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about." Leon stated. He might not know but I did.

Nixon started talking again, looking at Leon once more. When he started I knew it would be awhile before her stopped. "Ezarra was beautiful. She had long platinum hair and bright blue eyes. Some say you could see her power flowing through them. Her skin was more pale then most. She was an albino.

"The Power Ezarra possesed was like no other. She could heal others, influence the elements and even travel between different dimensions. Her power was one that everyone wanted and would do anything for.

"Many people tried to fight her for the power but all of them failed. All they ever did was awaken the goddess within her. The form gave her white eyes and a set of feathered wings. Most people fled at that point. There was no way to defeat her.

"Ezarra started to use her power to help others later on in her life. She would travel between dimensions and help out wherever she was needed. One of the places being here.

"The war between Vampires and Nekos, She helped fight in. For the Nekos of course. Our vision for things wasnt one that she believed would happen. Your kind was doing great with her on your side. They almost won the war. But something happened.

"A dark haired male entered into our world to fight along side her. He wasnt there for long. Soon after he left and left the young Goddess on her own. She wasn't able to hold up on her own anymore.

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