Chapter 7 : Truth

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It felt as if I were floating. Nothing seemed to really be there, just around me somewhere.

Sounds seemed to echo down a long tunnel and touch was numb. There was something there it was just hard to comprehend. Like a cloud had drifted over my mind.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted Kain. My own clues had pointed out not to take the water but I did anyway. Why did I take it? It had been so long without fresh water so why did I finally need to have it now?

This whole situation was something I could have easily prevented. Maybe it would have been harder to deal with but at least I might have been able to fight for myself instead of become this vulnerable.

I knew for a fact that Kain had put a drug in my drink. That was the only explanation. That's what the cabinet of bottles was in the kitchen. Different types of drugs.

It was hard to tell how long I had stayed like this for. All I knew was I wasn't in the kitchen anymore. It was colder and darker where I was. Things were statting to become more clear now.

The area around me cold and the lighting was darker then it was before. The ground where I was laying wasn't to comfortable but it was soft. My clothing felt more smaller then it should have been.

When my eyes finally started to open, everything crashed down on me. I had a spliting headache, my body felt heavy tired. With a soft groan I rolled over to see what was to be waiting for me.

The room was quite large and dark, the only light coming from the ceiling directly above me. The surrounding area was completely dark. The walls and the floor were hard stone. Cement by the looks of things.

I was laid behind a set of bars, I recognized as a cell. This wasn't a new thing for me but it was strange. The cell wasnt like the others I had been in before.

Beneath me was a light beige, oversized cat bed to fit the size of a neko. To fit the size of me. My legs were tucked to my chest to keep warm, my arms folded beneath my head to make a pillow.

My longer skirt had been replaced for a much smaller one, now a dark shade of blue. My top was the same but my collar was different. It felt lighter yet there was a pressure on it. The pressure was toward the back of the material. I knew what it was immediately.

A leash. It was tied to a ring on the wall, like a dog tied to a bench. This would be my life. As a pet to the King of Vampire's. It wasnt looking so good for me so far. Not like this anyway.

"You're finally awake." A frail voice spoke from the other side of the cage.

I tunred my gaze to look at who was sitting there. It was an older neko. Much older than I was. Her hair was grey, her skin like sand paper and covered in wrinkles. She was rested back against the bars with a blanket rested over her shoulders.

The women nodded as my eyes met hers, a smile tugging at her lips. "Just as I thought. I never expected you to be so young." She continued. "I know things must seem confusing for you but I promise I am on your side. Come here child." She bekond me.

Slowly I pulled myself into a sitting positing and crawled towards her. She was one of my own kind, there was no reason why I couldnt trust her. She was an elder after all.

About halfway to her I was abruptly pulled back a few inches. I glanced back and found that I had gone the length of the leash. It wasn't very long considering the size of the cell. My gaze turned back to the elderly neko in the corner.

The women tolted her head and stood up, moving swiftly to meet me halfway. For someone who looked do fragile she didn't have any problem moving. In fact, her movements were quite graceful.

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