Chapter 9 : Lesson

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There was nothing on my mind that night. Or day. There was no way to tell how long I had been sleeping for. Time and place was something of the past. It was like it never even existed in the first place. Like it was never there. Like I was never there.

I had never felt so empty before. I felt like nothing and that was the truth. Like I had no body and no mind. There was nothing there for me to hold onto to. Everything had somehow disappeared. It Didn't make any sense to me at the time. But I understood it now. Now I understood why it had felt so bad that day. So empty.

It had been about a week since my 'lesson'. Since then I was given four other 'lessons'. From what I had heard Leon had been given quite a few himself. I heard his screams that first night after I woke up. I was curled up by Nixon's feet where Master had left me.

Nixon was nice enough to bend down and cover my ears to block the sound, wiping the tears that had run down my cheeks. It was the first time I saw him as good. Nixon wasn't like Master. Not at all.

He didn't come to any 'lessons' when they went down. He never threatened to hurt me in any way. It was almost like he was against it. I could tell he didn't even like the thought of hurting me and Leon.

Nixon was always trying to control his anger when Master talked about hurting us or was Taking us to a lesson. His eyes would turn dark red and he had to physically leave the room to control whatever emotion was trying to over.

I had a few theories about Nixon but none of them made much sense. One of them was the fact that Nixon was against violence which wasn't to hard to believe at this point but it was very unlikely.

Another theory was that he was like that women in the cell. He had some sort of power like she did and he wasn't actually supposed to be here. He was just here to see how the world was run but in order to do that he took on the role as the King's son. That one seemed even more impossible then the first but anything was possible it seemed.

My last theory really wasn't a theory and more of a dream. It was impossible I already knew that but it gave me some hope to hold onto to. Maybe, just maybe Nixon was a spy for a nekos. Free nekos, and he helped others to escape and live a good life. It wasn't possible but it was a hope. A prayer.

These were just the things I thought about during a lesson. It was the only thing that kept me busy because I was alone for hours at a time. Sometimes days. Lucky me I had gotten into another lesson.

I had slept in after spending a night with Leon. Master had given me that one night and I blew it by sleeping in the next morning. This lesson had many meanings to it. Many different things to learn from it.

One of the things was to stay awake and do what needed to be done. Another thing was to be alert despite being tired. If I was tired I needed to do everything first and then maybe Master would allow a nap. That was the moral of it though. There really wasn't much other important lesson to learn from this. The lesson itself was torture.

My legs and arms were strapped down to a large wooden perch. A camera sat in front of me and watched what I did. It triggered the lesson when I failed to learn.

Above my back was a large blade that was controlled by the camera above me. If my eyes closed for more then two seconds then the camera would trigger the blade to drop down ever so slightly. If i tried to sleep the blade would get deeper down my back. I had to keep my eyes open and fight off the tiredness that wanted my mind.

I had been sitting there for two days now. Master came down to tell me earlier. He also said that when the tired day was over I would be able to come out of this chair, but that was if I passed the lesson.

If the blade had gone all the way down my back before the third day was up then I would have to do it again and this time longer. So far the blade had gone just over halfway down my back. I could feel the cool metal pressed against the hotness of my wound.

I was alone here. Of course I was alone. Why would anyone else be here with me? That would be a privilege and I hadn't earned that yet. I needed to earn it.

My mind kept fighting to keep my eyes open but I slipped again, my eyes closing long enough to force the blade down my back even further then it already was. A small whimper escaped my lips as my eyes opened again, my ears flattening against the top of my head.

My only hope was that day three would be over soon. I didn't know how many hours were left. I didn't know when someone would come down here again.

It seemed the time passed by more quickly then I would have expected it to. Master came through the door with Leon following. It was surprising to see Leon there with him and I Didn't understand why Master would let him come in here.

"Do you see what you've done?" Master asked Leon, his normally dark blue eyes a crimson red. "Look what you've done to her. She's been sitting here for three days because you kept her from doing her chores that one morning."

Leon looked at me with guilt in his eyes. It wasn't his fault at all. We had such a wonderful night that I got to comfortable. It was my fault for not getting up that morning. I should have known better then to slip that deep. It was common sense.

"Because of what you did to her, she had to sit there and suffer this whole time. Are you happy with what you've done." Master asked, looking down at Leon with a burning ferocity.

"Yes Master. I'm sorry fr what I have done to both you and her. It will never happen again." Leon complied, folding his hands behind his back and looking up at Master.

"Good. Now get to work." Master waved his hand as he dismissed Leon, watching as my mate went back through the door leaving just me and Master.

"I'm sorry.." I chocked out, stifling a sob. There was no way to show how sorry I was. Because of my mistakes this happened. It wasn't Leon's fault, It was mine.

"Shh.." Master tried to comfort, stroking my cheek gently with his fingers. "You did well pet. Your three days are up now. I'm proud of you." He said softly, starting to undo the straps holding my wrists before moving down to my ankles.

"I have dinner for you upstairs and your blanket is waiting for you in your bed." He continued, gently picking me up and carrying me in his arms just like he had done after the first lesson. "Did you learn your lesson?"

I nodded and spoke quietly, ignoring the throbbing on my back. "Yes Master.."

"Good girl." He praised lightly before taking a peek at my back. "Its not to bad. You won't need stitches this time but I will clean you up after. For now just sit down and enjoy your dinner. Tomorrow you will go back to your normal schedule, alright?"

I nodded again and leaned my head against his shoulder. I felt as if I would pass out any moment. Master knew that I wouldn't last much longer anyone.

He placed me down on my bed right beside his desk so he could look after me while he worked. I curled up into a ball and let him place the blanket over my body, sniffing at the plate of fish that had been set beside my bed.

Master smiled and petted behind my ears before sitting down at his desk and starting to get to work.

The fish smelled good. I could taste it already. My stomach hurt from the smell due to the fact that I hadn't eaten in three days. Part of me didn't think it would fill me up like I wanted it to.

Less then a second later the fish was in my mouth, my eyes closed as I enjoyed the juicy meat. Not long after the fish was finished I found myself curling up and falling asleep, my white blanket covering my nose.

Master laughed lightly and reached down to stroke my hair gently. "Have a nice sleep. Don't forget about your chores tomorrow." He said before my mind went completely blank and I fell asleep.

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