chapter 4

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It was a new and exciting morning for everyone. In the Malhotras mansion nothing was changed everyone carried on with their routine and set off to their respective office even Nyonika was out as went to visit her sisters daughter.
But for the Murthys it was different.
Early in the morning sanjana with the entire family offered prayer to God for the well being and for the success of the meeting. As for ram and viren they are little worried but yet they had confidence on their princess.
As for nandhini she was confident as well as nervous as it's a big project. She also had worry one of her patient may get her delivery pain so was constantly praying for the smooth running of the events.
So in the dinning table
San- nandu beta don't take too much stress and be calm. You have work hard and you will reap the fruit of your hard work.
Jee- haan nandu best of luck and give your best.
Riya- all the best bua.
After all left for office but before leaving nandu said sanjana and asked her to pray to keep everything under control. With this note she too left.

In the Malhotra Industries everyone were assembled in the conference room for meeting which includes the patels, sharmas, agarwals, goenkas and the Murthys and for the entry of Mr. Malhotra and his son.
At this time nandhini receives a call from her hospital stating the beginning of labour for the lady and it was crucial because she carrying twins.
Nandhini was dilema of what to
Nan- appa actually there is a problem.
Ram- what happened beta
Nan- appa actually a patient of mine is under labour and explains everything to him and viren.
Vir- nandu you more than this project that lady and her child's life is important.
Ram- yes beta you go we'll manage everything here.
Nan- sorry appa to disappoint you.pls forgive me
Ram- it's nothing beta you don't worry. You go fast.
With this nandhini leaves . On her she notices 2 gentlemen but doesn't recognise her. Whereas they were bust in some discussion didn't notice her.
(The 2 gentlemen were non other Manik and raj)
Nandhini headed to the hospital. So now in the conference room.
Both the father son took there seat in the centre chairs. And then
Man- gud morning gentlemen. It's good to have you'll here. And all the best everyone and let the best one join hands with us
Raj- so let's proceed on with the presentation.
With this all the companies started their presentation and the Murthys were the last. They did well but not to the level of Nandhini
After the presentation
Raj- so gentlemen all of you'll were but could you give 15 min for discussion and then we'll let you know the results. With this all the companies head moved out.
After 15 min
Man- so as dad said all of you'll were good but we had to select the best. So
Raj-we have selected the goenkas and the Murthys.
Man- both of them need to do another presentation and for the goenkas it's day after tomorrow and for the Murthys it's the next day after that.
With all the companies moved out and Manik and raj went to their respective cabin to finish their pending work.
Meanwhile nandhini reached the hospital on time. She was updated the children have started moving upwards and it's not got for the mother. So she finalised that as normal delivery was not possible they would move on with c section. She asked them get the operation theatre ready and herself headed to the family to explain about the procedure.
Nan- karthik(Madhu's husband) see there is nothing to worry. We have decided to go with a c section as it more safe for Madhu. So we need ur sign and the nurse will give you the papers.
Madhus mom- but doctor you told it will be normal then
Nan- aunty for normal we need to check the frequency of pain but till now the it us not sufficient. Moreover both the children are starting move upwards which is not safe. Pls don't worry.
Mad mom- but...
Madhus aunt- di she is right we need think about Madhus safety then all this.
She then turns to Nandhini and says
Pls make sure both the mother and the children are fine.
Nan- I'll do my best mam.
With this she leaves to the ot. After about 3 and a half hours nandhini moves out after a successful operation. She meets karthik
Nan- congratulations karthik you have got 2 baby girls. She then congrats everyone and moves to her cabin.
After sometime all meets the children and Madhu. Then
Madhus aunt- di you be here I'll meet the doctor and confirm about Madhus and children's well being.
With this she moves towards nandhini's cabin.
In her cabin before entering she over hears her conversion
Nan - bhai was the meeting ok. Were you able to grab the deal.
Nan- oh. Sorry bhai everything is my fault. I'm extremely sorry. Actually I did take leave but the doc who was supposed to come didn't show up.
Nan- yeah bhai there were many complications but now it's fine.
Nan- yeah I'll go home directly. I'm very tired.
Nan- ok then see you soon. bye
With this she turns towards the door and finds
Nan- mam come in. Why are you waiting there. How can I help you
Mad aunt- what is Madhus condition and pls don't hide anything. Be frank and clear.
Nan- mam relax. She is absolutely fine now. No harm for her and the child. But yeah there will be further with her next pregnancy or even she can't conceive. It's only about that.
Mad aunt- why what happened.
Nan- Madhu is actually under weight so couldn't manage with 2 children. That's it.
Mad aunt- oh fine. And can I ask you one more thing you look pressurised is there anything disturbing you.
Nan- nothing much it's that a meeting didn't go well. I had to go but I couldn't so I'm worried.
Mad aunt- ok then I'll take your leave.
Nan- can I know your name mam
Mad aunt- Nyonika and yours
Nan- nandhini
With this she left from there and after completing her work and last check up nandhini left to Murthy villa.
During dinner nandhini once apologised to everyone and told them about the operation. All the Murthys were very proud of their princess.
So after dinner they discussed further how to impress the Malhotras and left to sleep hoping to welcoming another successful morning.
In the Malhotra Mansion Nyonika shared with all of them the news of Madhu giving birth to 2 baby girls.
All were excited to meet the new comers and planned to meet them the next morning. With this all of them went to their rooms and catch a good sleep.

Precap: the meeting.

So with this chapter 3 is completed. Do comment your reviews and vote.
So there goes the meet of Nandhini and Nyonika rather than manan.
And sorry my readers you need to have patience for manan meet.

Arranged Marriage- Manan FFWhere stories live. Discover now