ch. 7 - wand

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'I've always liked quiet people; you never know if they're dancing in a daydream or if they're carrying the weight of the world' – John Green, Looking for Alaska

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'I've always liked quiet people; you never know if they're dancing in a daydream or if they're carrying the weight of the world' – John Green, Looking for Alaska.


Although Ron's statement was, much to Harry's dislike, true, Harry had in fact stormed off after their little 'talk', being the drama queen he was and would always be.

Luckily for him, he didn't have to walk far, as the Gryffindor common room was only a few halls, turns and staircases away. After telling the password to the portrait of the Fat Lady, Harry entered the all-too familiar common room.

Immediately, the warmth consumed him as he walked in further; there were quite a few Gryffindor's already in there, most doing homework, but thankfully it wasn't loud in there. Harry was relieved of this because, almost as soon as he had come in, he had spied Adeline sleeping on the couch opposite the fire, cuddling a book in her arms.

Harry sighed, for the closer he got, he noticed more. She had tear streaks down her cheeks. Her eyebrows were furrowed. Her eyes were scrunched. She was tense; curled up in a ball. He saw her slightly shivering, though she was asleep.

Harry, on instinct, grabbed a folded, red and gold blanket from a chair near the fire and laid it over Adeline so that it covered all of her apart from her head and neck. However, before he did this, he caught a glance at the book she was reading; Hogwarts; A History. Smiling ever-so slightly, he gently grabbed the book from out of her rather strong grip and placed it on the nearby table.

Just as Harry spared her one more glance and headed towards the boy's dormitories, he remembered what Dumbledore had said; '...I trust you will treat her correctly, and I trust you will take this seriously; you must protect her...'

The headmaster's words rang through his head; at the time, he had said it so simply but so powerfully. Forcefully but kindly. Harry knew, from experience, that when Dumbledore's voice got to that tone, it meant serious business. It meant a plan.

Therefore, instead of escaping the slightly crowded common room, to which everyone seemed to be avoiding Adeline as if she had some sort of disease, Harry sat down on the closest chair next to the couch she was on and pulled out his homework.

What he didn't notice, however, was that Adeline was really awake, and that she had the smallest of smiles planted on her face as the blanket made her feel less vulnerable, and that the kindness of Harry just seemed to warm her magical heart in ways that were too difficult to express.


"Garrick? This is Adeline. Adeline, this is Mr Ollivander." Professor Dumbledore introduced the Girl from the Black Lake and the wand maker. Adeline was downright confused; why was she meeting another old man? Was that just tradition for a new student at this school?

In case it was, she held out her hand like Harry did when they met; a handshake. Instead of shaking her hand, however, Ollivander, from his short stool in Dumbledore's office (Which was rather amazing in Adeline's eyes) instead held her hand in both of his, closing his eyes.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Adeline looked over her shoulder at Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore; McGonagall rolled her eyes, as if what Ollivander was doing was annoyingly overdramatic. Dumbledore, unlike McGonagall, smiled slightly, an unknown glint in his eye; it was almost like he was smirking, sort of like how Harry did when she didn't know what 'shoes' were.

"Yes, I feel it... Young lady, you don't know of the power residing in your veins; the Dark Magic flowing in your blood this very moment..." Ollivander spoke, but McGonagall interrupted;

"Oh, get on with it."

Ollivander, opening his eyes and glaring at McGonagall, sighed and let go of Adeline's hand. He spun around on his stool and wheeled over to a large chest.

"Whoa," Adeline muttered, Ollivander turning away from the chest to look at her.

"This?" He motioned towards the large chest. Looking confused, Adeline shook her head and pointed towards his tiny wheelie-stool thing. Ollivander, instead of explaining its 'amazing origins', looked towards Dumbledore.

"I did not come here just to explain what a chair is..." However, after seeing the look Dumbledore (and McGonagall) gave him, he rolled his eyes and proceeded to unlock the chest with a stick.

Before Adeline could question the stick, he had pulled out a long, rectangular box from the chest, to which was around the same length of his stick thing. Opening the box, Ollivander pulled out another stick, but this one looked nicer; it had some lovely designs on it, which reminded Adeline of the wallpaper in the mansion.

Holding out the stick to her, Adeline grabbed it from his hold, eyeing it over.

"Well, give it a wave!" Ollivander said as if it was the most obvious thing.

Doing as he said, Adeline waved the stick, which proceeded to smash a few seemingly irreplaceable and one-of-a-kind objects in half; they looked to be Dumbledore's own creations. Gasping, Adeline's hand flew to her mouth, dropping the stick onto the floor. She knew what this was: A wand. They did terrible things; why were they trying to give her one? They hurt people; they make them feel pain, she did not want one. Yes, she had seen Harry's wand with the Paper Plane, but that was different; his wand didn't break or harm anyone, unlike her mother's.

Just as Dumbledore grabbed his own wand from his pocket to mend the gizmos, Adeline, feeling terrible, waved her hand in front of the broken objects; they mended themselves and flew back to the shelf they had been originally placed upon.

Seeing everyone's gobsmacked faces, Adeline thought they knew she could do that; she had always held that ability. But this was more than just wandless magic.

Apparently, they didn't know. Not even Dumbledore, the 'Greatest Sorcerer in the World'.


Almost immediately after that had occurred, Dumbledore had started pacing, working things out in his head. Ollivander, meanwhile, had Adeline try more wands, having her try non-verbal spells. Every wand she tried worked, but when she said the spell in her head without the wand, it was much more powerful. The wands all worked equally, but they also caged her real ability.

As he watched Adeline try different wands, all of them having the same outcomes, Dumbledore figured it out. Of course this was the answer, it was so obvious! Why hadn't he thought of this before?

Dumbledore was mainly angered with Ollivander, however. He had asked the wand maker to come a few days ago, but Ollivander hadn't because he was scared of her; what she was capable of. But now, Albus Dumbledore wished he hadn't bothered, because he had now figured it out.

The wand chooses the witch or wizard, but Adeline is not a witch. She's far more powerful. Heck, she doesn't even have a heartbeat.


Ahh there's only like 2 more chapters left.

I am sooo not ready for this.

P.S: Plot twist/cliffhanger much?

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