Chapter 8

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May 27, 2014

This chapter is dedicated to @CortneySays for following me and liking the first few chapters. This girl is freaking AMAZING at bwwm books. So, it was a huge honor for her to do that, thank you! This one's for you.

Wren, Cameron, and Kingley in that order on the side ♡

He'll be here any minute, Reagan kept thinking as she stirred the bowl of chocolate batter with her huge wire whisk. Right now, she was immensely regretting inviting Nathaniel over.

Glancing at her Minnie Mouse watch, it showed the time two fifty-six. She grew extremely nervous, wiping her sweaty palms on her floral red apron, Reagan left the kitchen.

She looked over at Alana, who was busy smiling like a goof every time her cell phone pinged, indicating that she received a message. Taking off her apron, Reagan lazily flung it to her left, making it land on Alana's head.

Taking it off, Alana glared at her friend, throwing it on their spotless marble floors with a huff. "You'll get over it," Reagan assured, flaying her hand in the air dismissively.

Two fifty-eight, her roman numeral wall clock showed. Any minute now, she kept mumbling, tapping fingers on her bare knees. She stood up, pacing back and forth at the door, waiting impatiently.

Reagan couldn't help but peek almost every ten seconds through the peep hole on the door, waiting on him. The smile, very evident on her face, could not be wiped off.

Alana watched on at her friend from their parlor, checking her cell phone every once in a while. "You know," Alana piped up, "staring at the door won't make him magically appear".

She shook her head, "I know that," Reagan walked up to her, sitting beside her on their big dark brown couch. "Who are you texting, anyway," she asked curiously.

"Wren," Alana replied without a second thought.

Reagan was about to respond, but she got cut off by the doorbell. She hopped up off the couch, running up to the door, stopping briefly to catch her breath.

Smoothining out the invisible wrinkles from her white tank top, Reagan turned to Alana, mouthing "how do I look". All she got was a thumbs-up, before Alana's attention returned to her cell phone once again.

Rolling her eyes, she fluffed her hair as if it would make a big difference. Taking in a deep breath, she opened the door, revealing a grinning fool also known as Nathaniel.

He stepped up, leaning down to give her a light peck on her lips. "Hey gorgeous," his grin, if possible, became wider. Reagan stepped aside, letting him in. They passed by Alana, Nathaniel glanced at her, "let me guess, texting Wren," he stated.

Nodding, she looked up at him, "how did you know".

"He's the same way over at my house; not listening to a word I say, smiling like an idiot at his cell phone. They need to get together already".

She led him into her kitchen right in front of the big white bowl full of chocolate batter. Nathaniel couldn't help but stick his index finger in the bowl, scooping up as much as he could with his "spoon".

Reagan hit his arm, feigning anger as he snuck his finger in his mouth, licking his lips. "I can't help it," he said, "I love chocolate," he winked,earning a light shade of red to coat her cheeks.

Not all of it made it in his mouth, some painted all over his left cheek. Reagan laughed loudly as her boyfriend stared on in confusion, tilting his head to the side. "What," he asked.

Shaking her head, Reagan placed both of her hands on his shoulders, getting on her tip toes as she leaned up, licking it off.

She moved back, turning around to her huge bowl, pouring generous amounts on her cookie pan, as if nothing happened. Nathaniel looked at her back, mouth slightly ajar, "y-you can't do that," he pointed accusingly as if she could see him.

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