Chapter 13

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August 26, 2014

Reagan jumped out of the bed, rushing quickly into the washroom, bile rising up in her throat. She barely made it to the toilet before her recent meals spewed out her mouth.

She stood up, wiping the corner of her mouth, hating the disgusting after taste the vomit left her. Going to the sink, she picked up the spare toothbrush out the cup, brushing her teeth with the minty Colgate toothpaste.

Nathaniel came in, leaning against the door frame, both of them still naked from the night before. He was worried, "are you sure you're not sick, babe," wrapping his arms around her small waist.

After rinsing her mouth, Reagan turned around in his arms. "I'm sure, it's probably something I ate," she kissed his chest. "No big deal," she smiled.

"it's been days, Rae, I don't think you can keep eating something bad repeatedly," he pointed out.

She took in a deep breath, facing the mirror again, "fine. If I keep getting sick, I promise I'll go to the doctor by the end of the week," she negotiated. He nodded, agreeing with her.

Reagan frowned at her reflection, poking her stomach awkwardly, "I've gotten," she paused, trying to find the right words for it, "bigger".

Nathaniel's eyes stayed trained on her bust, "yeah," he licked his lips, "I've noticed". Reagan elbowed his ribs, "ow," he doubled over in pain, shooting daggers at her.

"That's what you get," she mumbled, rolling her eyes at his fake pain stricken expression. "But, I am being serious here, Nathan," Reagan crossed her arms over the other, huffing in annoyance at his silliness toward the matter.

"I know that," he bit his lip seductively, turning her to face him, "but your boobs did get bigger, just so you know".

Her cheeks heated up in embarrassment as she brought her hands up, covering her chest. "Yeah, I've noticed. My bras don't even fit any more, it's like they shrank or something".

Nathaniel nodded, absentmindedly caressing her body, slowly bringing his hands up to her chest. Reagan gave him a blank look, making him drop his hands to his side immediately.

"Quit being so touchy," she whined, "I'm trying to be serious here," she stomped her foot on the tiled floor childishly.

"Okay, fine," he sighed dramatically, "but if you want my undivided attention, put on some clothes".

Reagan went to the bedroom, pulling one of his over-sized shirts over her head. She went back to the washroom, only to have him groan at what she was wearing. "That's even worse".

"How," she questioned, completely confused at his reaction.

"I happen to find you wearing my clothes very attractive," his voice dropped an octave or two, husky. He smirked, approaching her slowly as he stretched his hands out for her to grab.

She took It, finding immediate comfort in his embrace. "You have work today, don't you," her head rested on his chest, her finger slowly moving down to his stomach. He grabbed her hand, stopping it from wandering any further down.

"Yes, i do. But if you keep going, i might just take the day off," he whispered in her ear, emitting shivers to wrack her whole body.

Reagan stood on her tip toes, her hands on his shoulder for extra support, she kissed his neck, a trail of hot kisses leading up to his jaw. "Is that a threat, Mr Adams," nipping and biting, making him moan and groan for more.

He pushed her back lightly until her back hit the counter top, Nathaniel lifted her up on it, pressing their bodies impossibly close together. "So help me, Ms Summers, i am not against taking you on this washroom counter," he growled. [AN: It sounds so weird! That word only belongs in werewolf books, but i gave you guys a visual, so ya welcome... ГคฬГ].

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