Chapter 2 | The Supreme Council

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Chapter 2 | The Supreme Council

Present day

The lone figure walked silently as she held a piece of parchment coming from the council, the figure was covered by a dark obsidian cloak covering her from head to toe.

Yes, it is a she.

She walked with a deadly stride and the animals momentarily froze as she walked pass by them, she softly muttered words of irritation.

The day of their yearly mourning is closing in. Her whole pack is busy, and now this happens.

She opened the paper once more and read as she walked closer towards her destination.

Luna Avarielle Oswald,

You are hereby summoned to face the council this twenty-second of June.

The Head Councilor

She sighed in irritation; things like this always happen because of her and her pack's status, she just hoped that this summoning is not some petty issue for the council knows her.

The whole world knows her.

They know her pack, their capabilities and their strengths, but never their weaknesses, and never her face.

No one outside her pack has ever seen her face while the whole world is curious about it and there's a reason why she cannot just reveal her face.

She stopped walking as she now faced the grand imposing structure – the home of the Supreme Council.

She pushed the gate open and was immediately met with a group of men armed from head to toe.

"We have been watching you from afar, now tell me who are you and why have you come here?" The man whom she assumed as the leader spoke in a deadly tone but Luna Oswald didn't mind, she just wants to get this over with.

"I am Luna Oswald, and I was summoned by the council." she replied in the tone which she always uses: cold, hard, and emotionless.

After all, what's the purpose of happiness when the only person who made you feel it is gone?

"Where is your proof?" He asked still not lowering his guard.

She felt their curiosity and was internally glad when they didn't move to uncover her face.

She won't be responsible for whatever may happen.

She handed him the piece of paper, and when he saw the seal, he grunted and immediately stepped back letting her pass through.

"Welcome, Luna Oswald."

Stepping inside she navigated her way towards the top floor, the building was a red bricked manor with huge wall paintings surrounding every corner.

Luna Oswald stared at it and felt as if the painting's eyes were judging her silently; she growled lowly and continued to walk till she reached her destination.

She held her hand up and knocked on the hard door and was answered with a 'come in'

She twisted the door knob and entered, there she was met with blood red curtains shielding the bright arrays of the sun and a lone chandelier hung from above casting a dim glow all around the room.

The council members all sat in chairs forming a semi-circle with their robes tightly attached onto their shoulders. Their eyes held knowledge and experience, proving that they are indeed the 'Elders'

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