Chapter 44 | Both Sides Of Her

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Chapter 44 | Both Sides Of Her

(A/N: Forgive this author because I have no sufficient experience in writing 'a mass battle scene.' That's why this will be shown in an all around view.)

The alarms were rung and the sounds of savage howls filled the air with dread. The pounding hearts of everyone began to beat in a unison matter.

They will defend their pack and vanquish the enemy.

Everyone is ready.

The officers of both packs are giving out their orders, finalizing their battle strategies.

Alpha Horton stood at the front with his Beta at his right side while the Gamma and the Delta of the Blue Orion Pack is on his left side.

The Alpha King's men are currently providing protection all around the pack borders. They are the first line of defense.

But unfortunately a hole has broken through their formation. Salvi's men had already entered the pack.

Gamma Elroy has already been informed that almost all of the traps inside their territory had been used.

Salvi is planning a massive attack by surrounding the whole pack with his men.

Gamma Elroy was stunned by the sheer number reported by the main defense system that he is managing on his left arm.

He reported his findings towards Alpha Horton and the whole pack.

Their enemies outnumber them roughly by 4:1 ratio.

Alpha Horton glanced behind him and saw that Melaniya and Hastis were nowhere to be seen. They told him that they would be the one's who will handle the witches.

Alpha Horton closed his eyes as he also prayed for the Moon Goddess' guidance.

'I will protect you, Rosaline.' Alpha Horton vowed as a fierce aura broke out from within him. The surrounding people were influenced by the Alpha's spirit and several auras like him began to spread all around the air.

'Come closer and you will die.'

But the approaching rouges didn't seem to feel any fear. Their rational minds have long been gone and only their thirst for blood and madness remained. The rouges were driven even more insane by this bloodthirsty aura surrounding the pack.

They gave out their greedy howls and began to run even faster.

Alpha Horton noticed this and a chilling smile appeared on his lips. He gave out a long howl of his own and the pack followed.

After a few minutes the sounds of mad growls and uneven footsteps finally reached their ears.

"Rouges!" A warrior shouted.

"Everyone, attack!" Alpha Horton ordered as he shifted into his wolf.

The return of his mate gave his wolf the strength to come back, he will beg for her forgiveness once this is all over. He will make up for his mistakes but right now, he needs to protect her.

The smell of blood covered the whole area. Werewolves in human form and beast form were scattered all around the field.

Salvi's men are also there behind the rouges. Trying to sneakily attack the overpowered members of Luna Oswald and Alpha Horton's pack.

For a while it seemed that they Alpha Horton's men and Luna Oswald's warriors are gaining the upper hand.

But it all changed when an explosion happened.

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