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Hello! I just wanted to tell you guys that I will be changing my update schedule. ^ω^

I'll now update every Tuesday.

Don't worry, it'll take effect tomorrow since I'll post an update.

I'm already a college student and my schedule every Wednesday is hectic so I've been thinking about this for awhile now. I decided to change my update schedule since I have a lot of free time every Tuesday.

Thank you for your understanding and wishing you a great day ahead!


Btw, I've been having some thoughts concerning my novel since there are times when I feel that it's not really worth reading or something.

Don't worry, I plan on finishing this hahaha

I just wanted to say thank you. ♡

For you making it this far, and for your support whether you are a silent or an active reader.

Once I do finish my book, I will try to find some time to edit my work since there are some errors, redundancy in the usage of words, etc.

I will try to be a better writer.

Please, if you do like my work try to spread it out. ^ω^

It'll help me a lot and please do try to leave some comments since it'll let me know my shortcomings, and wrongdoings. ╮(╯∀╰)╭

P.S. I really like it when you guys leave some comments. ♡ Don't forget to vote too.(♡∀♡)

Thank you!

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