The Mary Celeste

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Have you ever heard of ships being abandoned? What if I told you that ghost ships were actually real?
Well if you don't believe me then you clearly haven't heard of the "Mary Celeste"

If you're hearing about it for the first time, then you should know that it is one of the worlds most baffling mysteries.

About the Mary Celeste:
Mary Celeste was a ship discovered on December 4, 1872 in the Atlantic Ocean, abandoned. The ship spent a month at the sea, and had food and water for more than six months.

What had happened?:
Cargo, that should’ve been transported was found intact, as well as personal belongings of passengers and crew members. The crew was never traced and their disappearance is often cited as the greatest maritime mystery of all time.

The fate of the crew was the subject of many speculations.
There are many theories, such as the alcohol vapors, underwater earthquakes and even some paranormal explanations.

Mary Celeste is often called the ghost ship, since it was abandoned without a clear explanation of what happened to her crew. Its name has become synonymous for similar phenomena.

My Conclusion:
The Mary Celeste is still a world Mystery, unfortunately we might not know the real truth.

As far as I know, theories have been brought forward and there are evidence that it could possibly be the right explanation.

One of them includes, maybe one of members fell over and had gotten attacked by sharks and the rest of the crew had gone to rescue their member but apparently somehow fell into the ocean and as well got devoured by the sharks.

Another theory suggests that something was wrong with the ship as it had been in accidents way too many times, this was taken into account. The crew might have tried to flee and got stranded in the middle of the ocean BUT with their necessities.

Whatever happened that day, no one knows but the Mary Celeste had been in perfect condition even after being abandoned which is a little weird.

Everyone can have a say, right now there isn't a perfect answer.

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