The Moai statues of Easter Island

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Have you ever heard of Easter Island, the name may sound weird but it is called Easter Island because it was discovered on Easter day. Well that isn't the weird case, the unsolved mystery of the statues on the island is a baffling case.

How these were constructed remains a head scratcher.

The mystery of Easter Island and the Moai statues that inhabit it is something that most of us are at least vaguely familiar with, but the fact that there are still so many legitimate unanswered questions surrounding the island is in itself quite remarkable.

Back in Easter in 1722, a Dutch explorer happened upon something strange. He was originally in search of a hypothetical land mass called Terra Australis, thought to exist because at the time they thought that the northern and southern hemispheres should be balanced.

Instead though, he discovered an island in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean, which he would later name Easter Island due to the date of its discovery.

He was surprised​ to discover that the island was inhabited, and he reported seeing 2,000 to 3,000 people there.

This was surprising, because the island is ... well … really far from anything else at all.

A staggering 1,900 kilometres away from the nearest inhabited land, and about 3,500 kilometres off the coast of Chile.

And yet despite its incredible remoteness, The Rapa Nui people who called the island home managed to carve and transport a mind-blowing 887 statues, some measuring 33 feet tall and weighing up to 82 tonnes, an average of 17 kilometres each. And this all happened roughly 700 years ago.

The biggest remaining question mark concerning the statues themselves is definitely their transportation.

Theories have been proposed that involve ropes, sleds, rollers, levelled tracks, or even that the people slowly rocked the statues back and forth to their destination.

Attempts have been made to recreate the methods that could have been used, but most resulted in damage to the statues, or would have required hundreds of people making just 0.08 kilometres of progress per day.

The truth is, we don’t really know exactly how they did it. But however the Rapa Nui managed to move the Moai, they would have certainly needed to be incredibly patient, creative, and organised to make them.

My conclusion:
Well, how the Moai statues came about is a baffling mystery but I'm glad it did.

This has become one of the most famous tourist attractions.
Imagine the people who lived on the island hadn't been discovered until an explorer came about.
With discovering them, he discovered giant statues.

To this day, it is still a mystery.
Whatever the truth about the statues are, it hasn't been revealed.

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