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How could you be such an idiot? Do you have any idea what you've done?!

Adonis had a mess on his hands. One, he created and beat himself up over. Continually, till the thoughts of Lila Marcetti swallowed him whole.

He should never have helped. Those humans would have assaulted her, possibly killed her, but at what cost had he paid to save her? He'd broken a rule, defied his creed.

Ready for a long, thoughtful walk involving hating himself entirely, the last face he wanted to see manifested. She stood, waiting around the corner of the hospital's entrance doors.

Face to face with the head female of his hosting pack, Adonis appeared anything but happy to see her.

Morganna, made of everything blonde and silver native to her immediate royal family and her region across the sea. Future queen to the Seattle territory and beyond, she's the princess mate to the alpha, as well as a royal pain in Adonis's ass. Before this, she still managed to irritate him. Back when, she'd come to visit his own pack in distant relation to hers, and threw him down in the mud. His cousin by some removal uncounted, she still loved to push him around till this very day, as if they were chums bound by her bullying as a child.

"What have you done?!" Her blue eyes flashed the light of rage known to their kind. That glowing light holds as she shouts, "The streets are flooded with them! I can smell them. Here, where you work!"

The vampires were suspicious, as they very well should be. No man, or vampire, tore apart people like that. The carnage pointed directly to his own kind. Their kind. The kind, that the vampires sought out to kill, to collect, to torture.

He stormed outside of the hospital, the cup still in his hand with the microphone swimming in water. The Seattle pack must have sensed his distress. Or, come in search of him with his prolonged absence.

Adonis continues on, not paying mind to the blonde woman impressively keeping up with his stride in her designer heel boots. He hears them hitting the sidewalk after him and he's gritting his teeth with the soundtrack of her constantly berating presence.

She sneers, "You can't hide from us forever, Adonis. Benjamin is furious! We had the meeting last night. We had to make plans and you couldn't bother to show up? As the Assassin—the only one, mind you—couldn't bother to show up last night, of all nights?! The full moon is coming, Adonis. We don't have much time!"

Slamming into her when he comes to an abrupt spin, Adonis flashes back that sparking rage. His brown eyes, light up amber as he casts down on Morganna. His growl reverberates through his chest as he replies, "I've got bigger problems right now!"

Throwing the cup at her, she barely catches it. The water spills all over her hand and her spiky, ridiculous leather jacket. Blend in? How the hell could they when she pranced around Seattle as if she belonged in the spotlights of some biker-inspired runway show?

Holding up the destroyed little microphone, Morganna's eyes glare at it before they widen in fear.  The device muted forever by the water damage, she's still afraid to speak. 

"Why are they watching you? What have you done?" she repeats, her tone far softer than before.

Adonis runs his hand over his face in his attempt to calm himself in public, then turns to continue in his desired direction home. Those heels, click up again. 

People walk by. Humans, draw eyes to her blonde hair and good looks. Even the King of Seattle told her to tone down her appearance, but Morganna just didn't abide by the rules, no matter how much she liked to spew them from her pink painted lips. Adonis stops and therefore, she stops. Her control on those heels impressive as ever, when she keeps from slamming into Adonis or falling on her pretty little face.

He waits till the humans pass before he utters, "I don't have to answer to you Morganna. You are not my alpha."

"They say no one is your alpha. They say Assassins answer to no wolf but themselves. Is that true?" She asks.

He replies with a smirk, "It has to be true. If I did have an alpha I wouldn't get anything done."

"You haven't gotten anything done! It's why I'm here to nag your ass. We are your only allies in this. We need you, yes, but you need us too!" Morganna's finger plays around the rim of the wax-dipped cup that she's dropped the microphone back in. "You at least owe us respect, Adonis."

He shakes his head and says, "No," Adonis turns to walk again, casting over his shoulder, "I don't."

Out of nowhere, Morganna is in front of him, no heels heard this time from how fast she heads him off. He grunts out in exasperation.

"Let us help you, Adonis. This has become bigger than egos, bigger than packs! They have our kind. They're destroying us! One by one. Soon, they'll be none of us left. They took Benjamin's little brother. They took all of our females, killed them. I'm the last. How long before they take me? Take you? Spread out from here, to take your father's pack?"

"If you stayed home like you're told by your precious King Benjamin, you wouldn't have to worry about getting snatched up. I don't need anyone to help me. I'll find you if I need you...just don't bother me again," Adonis says as he blows through her, knocking into her shoulder as he takes the cup from her hand and tosses it into the nearest trash can in a perfect shot.

"If they're planting stuff like this at your work, they have to know that a wolf, or even suspect an Assassin is working there. You've been nothing but an urban legend to them! So, something must have happened to tip them off! What was it?" She insists at his back as she struggles to keep up.

He confesses with her incessant nagging, "I saved a human girl last night. Might have gotten a little carried away."

"Carried away?!" Morganna shrieks, struggling to control her volume.

He sneers at the memory, "I ripped four human dirtbags to pieces."

"You did what?!" She's screaming loud enough to catch the attention of humans across the street, which causes Adonis to stop and face her once more as she trembles out, "How could you do this to us?"

"They don't know it's me. They planted that mic in there because they know whoever saved the girl has to be a wolf. I've covered my tracks. Even paid a human off to bring her to the hospital for me. No one saw me."

Her thick brows are drawn into a knot at the center of her forehead as she accuses, "So, you saved one life and killed four, then framed an innocent human that they're going to track down and kill too?"

"You don't know that," he says, rolling his eyes, "And I didn't frame anyone!"

"I do know that. You know that too. You just don't want to admit it," Morganna sneers up at him then says, "She must be pretty."

"You're starting to really piss me off," Adonis warned, glaring down at the tiny female when he starts to back away.

"Come home, Adonis! The pack needs you!"

She's pleading, but it hardens the muscles in Adonis's twitching jaw.

"I have no home," he replies in nothing but coldness.

She stops where she stands, staring after the wolf their kind all needed.

Over his shoulder, he says to her, "I'll be in touch when I'm ready."

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