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Hushed voices faded in with a blur before the panicked eyes of Adonis opened wide in the bright room.

He careens in a buzzing urgency to flee, but his entire body slams back down to the gurney. Belted down, strapped in like a dangerous criminal, like an animal, Adonis thrashes against it continually in his rage.

The growl that emitted from his pale lips is feral, frightening the fangers that dare watch. A few guards take a step forward, as everyone else takes a step back.

As the hated face of the patriarch Vasile stood over him, Adonis stills, but his growls sound from the beast threatening to break free within. He tried to shift, to break off the restraints, but his abilities are robbed from him. Not the first time, with that orange-tinted fluid on the IV stand flowing in his veins.

Another couple of fangers join alongside Dr. Vasile, his assistants, his ever-watchful eyes that wrote down everything Adonis did.

All he wants is out, to find Lila. She was here, alive. At least, she had been, though he doubted it now with what she pulled to save his life.

What lost to his time here, came flooding back at the sight of her. He wouldn't forget. Never again.

Dr. Vasile pushes him down further into the gurney, the vampire showing little fear as Fang's binds start to rip at their seams.

Adonis felt something pierce his arm, where his muscles involuntarily relaxed, making him immobile.

His mind still very much active, his infuriated gaze locked with Dr. Darius Vasile.

Adonis utters out while he still can, "Y-You better h-hope I never escape. If I d-do...I swear I will burn your entire fucked-up circus to the ground and piss on the ashes."

Darius didn't react, nor respond, but stared on after his prized fighter's eyes started to close.

To the nurse across the way, Darius tells her, "Hit him again with that in an hour. His body burns off everything fast. Order security to bring him into the padded room. He's in isolation until further notice."

Darius stepped back and in the hallway, where his wife and new business partners waited for him. James and Ingrid waited for Darius to speak, to tell them if they were going to pursue what they've discussed in light of the drama in the arena. Darius looked to Marie first, shaking his head with disappointment.

"There's no way he's going to be able to fight by the next full moon. After all the blood transfusions, his body, even though it heals quickly, is still worn from his close call and the transfusions slow down the healing. I'm not going to risk him in a rematch, but that doesn't mean he still can't breed."

Marie nodded and closed her eyes, mentally exhausted from the fiasco in the ring this week.

Millions of dollars had to be returned and recounted since Lila had ruined the outcome of the match, along with the venue's and the Vasile's reputation.

Ingrid spoke up, trying to shed some light on their situation. "Despite all that's happened, this is for the best for the breeding process. He can rest, he can focus on just one thing. Even if you decide to retire him, to put him down, his genetics will still prove remarkable for any of his offspring. Focus on the breeding, for now, Darius. There's still money to be made."

Darius lowered his head in deep thought and as he relaxed with this idea he adds, "He'll live. We'll fight him again in a couple months. Paris should host the next event. We'll set Fang up for a fight two moons from now when we're back in Seattle. I'll put him up against another one of our wolves soon to be owned by another investor. Only in this fight, Fang will not be the victor. I'll make sure of it. He has to die for the closure of our guests, but let's get some use out of him first."

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