16 ☽

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The roar of the crowd brought a high-pitched decibel to Lila's ears.

In her own panic and desperation, Lila threw off her heels and pushed through the Vasiles. Running beyond awed security guards, as they're distracted by the odd victor in the fight.

Lila hits a door that leads to the pit, on the side where Fang was released.

One of the wranglers holding a taser, turned, preparing to yell at her to go back. Before he can, Lila offered, "Dude, I will give you this, for that taser-thing!"

Holding out her engagement diamonds, she pointed to his weapon, urging him to hurry and make a choice.

"If anyone asks, I stole it from you and forced you to unlock this door!" She pleads, seeing the wariness in the guard's eyes. Reluctantly, he made the trade and unlocked the door for her. All the while, he looked to see if anyone had seen the transaction. He bolts off with the ring into aisles that lead to staff corridors ahead.

Quickly, Lila fiddles with the security device until she found the proper button that emitted the sparks.

Her feet crush soil when she opens the door, pushing up between her toes and dirtying up her polished feet.

Making her way into the ring through the holding gates, Lila beholds the sight before her in complete awe. So much bigger than even they seemed from her seat, Lila's fear subsides to purpose when she's spotted by security across the arena.

To the center of the arena and to the carnage, she fumbles, before sending several bolts of electricity to the silver wolf. The bloodied victor releases Fang, then flees back to the side where it had been released from. On its way, the security is bolting from the danger, but the wolf returns to its holding cage.

Staring at the seemingly lifeless giant beast in front of her, Lila moves to the animal's aid. Before she can even touch him, she's tackled to the ground by several guards and they began to cuff her.

She screams as her only weapon got thrown. All fell silent in the arena as the new scene took the spotlight. In a matter of moments, the several guards started to fly off of her in a way that brought back a memory from her past, where her attackers had been ripped off of her from an unseen force.

A bit she had forgotten, that comes back in clarity.

Hearing the growls and feeling the upturned dust on her face, Lila knows Fang has risen and is alive. With the thought, she smiles, knowing the fury from the Vasile's and surely, the end of her time with them wasn't all in vain.

The guards are tossed, some ripped apart, in a split second. Fang's neck was covered in its own blood, the life source sprays all over the ring wherever he went. The custom gown Lila wore is covered in dirt and the animal's blood, but she couldn't care less.

Instead, she stared up at the scene in awe of the vengeance the animal takes on those who contributed to his suffering.

After the wolf had killed every last security guard, it turned to her and slowly approached. It huffed, casting out blood, dirt, and slobber.

The human girl prepared for the worst and closed her eyes as it got within reach. She waited for Fang to turn on her.

When several moments passed and the creature only continued to stare down at her, she looked into the warm eyes of the wolf. It lowered itself to the ground warily, watching her with fading life.

She reached her hand out to touch it, but they were no longer alone. Zachary grabbed her hand, pulling her back roughly. Fang tried to rise up, but couldn't. His injuries defeating him, he's losing power further with the drug Dr. Vasile administered.

Fang faded, losing consciousness among the carnage of the arena.

"No!" Lila screamed as Zachary dragged her off with Amelie down the corridor. Once they were in an office, she was roughly thrown onto a chair.

Lila tried to rise to her feet to argue, but he back-handed her hard enough that it sent her back down to her seat.

The impact split her cheek along the cheekbone and watching his seething rage, she held onto the bleeding wound in shock. Bringing herself to look up at him through the tears and messed hair, his eyes plant wide and crazed as he towered over her.

Every muscle of his tensed under the perfect porcelain skin. Amelie stood in the background, doing nothing, but staring on in her own anger. Amelie appears unaffected by the abuse Lila's just endured, which might have surprised Lila if it weren't for all this cruelty taking place in their underground world.

"I had to, Zachary. I'm sorry. I couldn't watch it and do nothing." Lila pleaded, afraid about what they were going to do to her. Though she wasn't sorry and would do it all over again if she could, her life was flashing quickly over the piercing blue eyes that scry her fate.

"It was a mistake bringing you. You're not ready." He hisses, as he begins to pace the room.

As he paces, Lila wondered what they'd do to Fang. Would they kill him, that is if he managed to survive his injury?

Zachary returns, clenching her hand that no longer weighed down by his diamonds.

"You lost it?!" He screeches and Lila quickly comes up with the lie.

"It must've fallen off in the pit!" She replies as Zachary clutches onto her chin, forcing her to make eye contact with him.

"Look at me, Lila. Look at me well." He orders her and after a few passing seconds of quiet, something evil latches onto the vampire she thought she loved.

Her cohesive active thoughts are gone. When her mind meets nothing but blank space, she's once again, experiencing what it's like to have her memories fragmented into his control.

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