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I passed by busy nurses, injured patients, and worried visitors on my way out of the hospital. I got a few questioning looks as I limped passed people but no one stopped me.

I was still in my original clothes. My white shirt was covered with dirt and my dried blood. The zipper of my leather jacket was missing. Without it, I placed my bandaged hands in the pockets of my jacket, manipulating it to cover the noticeable stain.

I managed to find the exit of the big hospital. Stepping out, I saw the sun that was about to set in the West. It was semi-dark outside, the sky was in shades of purple, blue, and pink. The cold seeped through my clothes as I moved, nipping at my skin.

Feeling my jean's pockets as I walked down the street, my phone, wallet, and car keys were missing. I bit my lip to keep my composure.

I grimaced as I walked pass by the alleyway from before to get to where I parked my car. I wasn't surprised to see that it was there. Even though Stollo took my keys, he left behind my BMW to mock me. Not to mention, every car owned or used by mafia members had trackers on them for emergency purposes.

Remembering that I walked passed by a pay phone earlier, I dug deeper into my pocket to find loose change.

I had enough for one call. I stood still in front of the pay phone as I contemplated my choices. I decided to call one of my best friends.

"Ciao?" Aiden's recognizable deep, raspy voice flowed through the phone.

"Send a car to West Clover street," I said, cutting to the point.

"Matteo? Is that you?" He asked.

"No, you dumb nut, it's Santa Claus."

"Are you calling me to tell me I've been naughty?" Aiden replied to my sarcasm, suggestively.

"Aiden," I warned him. I was not in the mood for his overly sexual humor.

"Fine, I'm sending a car. Does five minutes sound good?"

"Addio." I hung up.

Sighing, I leaned against the wall as I waited. Just as Aiden promised, one of the cars kept at the mafia house drove up to me, a particular car that shouldn't be driven.

"Really, Leo? " I asked, as the TVR Sagaris pulled up. It was illegal to have a car like this in the U.S.

"I just had to test it out. " He shrugged, talking to me through the passenger seat. Leo was one of Mafia's diver, having easy access to our garage. Even though he was good at his thing, probably the best driver in our mafia, he sure wasn't the safest driver.

"I rather you take it slow, I don't want to end up in the hospital for the second time," I said, knowing this bad boy could go 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds with 380hp pushing it. The TVR Sagaris was built with no airbags or ABS, defiantly not baby-proof.

"What happened?"

I pulled up my shirt, "I ran into Stollo and he pulled a knife on me."

Keeping his eyes on the road, "So.. you willingly went to the hospital?"


Leo shot me a confused look.

"Some doctor found me in the alleyway and took me to the hospital."

Leo and I arrived at the mafia house both in one piece. It was located somewhat out of the city, placed in the middle of the huge private property. Only necessary, or upper class, members were allowed to stay at the houses. The mafia house runs like an illegal free five-star hotel, in some cases, it runs like home.

"Let's find my father and tell him about Stollo," I told Leo, standing in front of the front door.

My hand was on the doorknob, when it suddenly swung open, causing me to jump back to avoid getting hit by the door and a shoe that hurdle passed my face.

"I sent you to the store to get eggs, and you come back a decade later! Do you want me to die waiting for you?" My grandma yelled, waving her left shoe in her hand. It wasn't long until she was whacking me all over the place with her sandal.

"Nonna," I whined, trying to protect my wound.

"You even came back empty handed! I ought to whip you!" My grandmother said as she pulled my hair, bending me to her short height and slapping me on the ass. I looked at Leo for help to find him, awkwardly, slipping through the door and into the house.

"You took five hours, Matteo!" She yelled, pulling me by the ear. The door closed behind us with a slam, catching everyone's attention. She dragged me through the living room, filled with members who stopped their conversation to look over. I recognized Aiden in the crowd, who took out his phone to snap a picture. I'm going to to have to make him delete that later.

My grandma forced me into the kitchen, where my father happened to be eating dinner before anyone else. He looked up from his soup and raised his brow.

"Here's your son. You should teach him the time and how to buy eggs." She told him before leaving me to check whatever was being cooked inside the oven.

"What happened to you?" My father asked me, pointing to the blood stain and my bandaged hands with his spoon.

Hearing the question, my nonna walked back to me and carefully examined me.

"Did you get into a fight with the chicken, stupido?" My grandma asked with no concern.


"So you bolted?" Giovanni asked.

I nodded.

Giovanni was laying at the end of the bed, flipping through the channels of the TV. He passed one that caught his eyes and switched it back. I rolled my eyes as the sex scene of the movie filled the screen.

"I already watched this one."  I heard him murmured to himself.

"Without trying the hospital food? Is it as bad as people say it is?" Aiden questioned.

I turned my head over to Aiden. He was sitting in my desk chair reading a comic book.

We were in my spacious room. After telling my father what happened, My Grandma pushed me to my room. I wasn't allowed to get up from my bed.

Feeling the urge to pee I began to get up. As I did,  the door of my room opened and stepping in was my Nonna.

Immediately, I flopped back onto the bed, Giovanni fumbled the remote to switch the channel, and Aiden clumsily replaced his comic with one of the big books laying on my desk.

"There you are, Aiden and Giovanni." My nonna said. "You guys can help me give Matteo a sponge bath."

Our expressions turned into horror. The image that popped into my head made me iller.

"No. Absolutely not." I firmly said.

"You think I would give you a sponge bath? You're a man, Matteo, take your own shower." My grandma scowled at me.

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