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I heard a phone ringing but I continued to sleep. I felt the weight on the bed shift, telling me that Matteo was getting up to get it. I opened my eyes slightly to check if my assumption was right.

Matteo was sitting upright on the bed. His naked, fit upper body was revealed as the blanket fell to cover his lap and legs. He answered the buzzing phone and lifted the cellar device to his ear.

Guessing from the lighting in the room, it was early in the morning. I closed my eyes, wishing that night would last a little longer. I was tired and didn't get to sleep much last night. Even certain parts of my body were completely sore.

"Ciao, papà," Matteo said to his dad that was on the other end of the line. He went silent, listening to what his father had to say. Matteo rubbed his forehead as he began to talk in his mother tongue, stressed. "Alright. Bye."

I asked, "Is everything okay?"

"I have to go to Italy to meet my father."

"Right now?"

"Yeah, I should leave right now since its a 10-hour flight to get there."

Matteo got off the bed and slipped on his boxers that were on the floor.

"I've never been to Italy," I stated.

"Nor will you today," He replied, catching my drift. "He wants me to go over there for some dangerous business. Besides, you are starting a new training session."

Matteo gathered his clothes off the ground and neatly tossed them on the bed, organizing the clothes to make it easier for him to dress. Holding the blanket to my chest, I covered my naked self.

"With who?" I asked. If Giovanni was going to be a replacement for Matteo, I wasn't going to even bother attending.

"Marcella, I don't think she's busy."

"Okay," I said as I swooped for his suit coat, "I'm going to go take a shower." I secured the jacket on me, making sure I wasn't so exposed and walked to my bathroom.

In the middle of my shower, I heard my bedroom door open and close. Matteo must have left to go to his room to get ready.

"Holy shit," I said to myself as I stopped shampooing my hair.

He was gone and now it was time for me to freak out.

"Fuck me," I cursed.

He did fuck me. Nothing close to making love, it was fast paced, rough even. Yet, the act was hot and heavy.

I put my hands to my face as I cringed at myself, accidentally sending the shampoo into my eyes. Quickly to get rid of the burning sensation, I washed off the suds off.

I had put out on the first date. Where were my morals? I wasn't even drunk to make the mistake. Sure Matteo said that he didn't plan on making us a one-time thing, but he didn't say anything about a relationship. He could have meant that he wanted the friends with benefits thing for all I know.

I pulled away from the shower. If I continue to flip out in there, the whole world will go through a drought. Fast, I changed into leggings and a loose extra large white tee shirt. I grabbed my phone from my purse and exited my room in my running shoes.

Down the stairs, I went to the dining room. The room was empty for people weren't usually awake at 5 in the morning. However, all the cold foods were already prepared. I grabbed four finger sandwiches and stuffed them into my mouth, in a complete ladylike manner of course. It was delicious, just like all the other meals I had from the kitchen. The cooks never fail to satisfy my taste buds.

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