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They must have suspected that we were going to dismiss their surrender because the next thing happened so fast. In unison, all the windows of the mansion opened, and men with weapons appeared.

In a town far away, it must be raining water, but here it's raining bullets. I watched a few men and women on our side fall. I was going to rush to their aid but I was stopped by Aiden.

"No point in helping them, they are goners," He said, shaking his head. Aiden led me behind a tree and told me, "Stay here until someone alive and injured calls for help."

"B-be careful," I told Aiden before he left.

The constant sound of gunshots through the air made my ears ring but I stressed my hearing for anyone who might be wanting my services through the earpieces. I watch people, on each fighting side, go limp and dead. Others who were still standing were holding their ground, aiming, shooting, aiming, and shooting. Men from inside the house grew braver and came outside to face us directly as men from our side advanced on into the house. In all this chaos, I was unhelpful.

"Ila." Matteo's voice rang in my ear through the rapid gunshots.

"Yeah?" I asked, worried that he was injured.

"Where the fuck is your gun?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I scanned the area, looking for Matteo. Can he see me without a weapon, hiding behind a tree?

"I mean where the fuck is your gun?" He repeated as I made eye contact with him. There was a good distance between me and Matteo. His heavy breathing can be heard as he waited for my reply.

I shook my head, telling him I wasn't carrying one. His face hardened in anger.

"I took it away from her," Marcella said, jumping into the conversation through the Bluetooth to my defense. "We don't need her being busy killing people. She needs to focus on any of us that get hurt."

"Go back to the damn car!" He ordered me, pointing to the direction from where we came.

"No, what if you get hu-"

"Ila," He started as he looked away. He pointed his gun towards Stollo's men and shot as many as he could, "Either grab a gun or go. It's too dangerous for you to just stand there."

Hesitantly, I walked to a gun that was dropped by a fallen person. Suddenly, I was tackled to the ground by Aiden. The soft spot of my elbow banged into the nearby tree, sending pain up my arm. Clutching my elbow as I got back on my two feet, I looked up to see Matteo killing the man who aimed at me.

"Ila! Go, now!" He yelled loud enough for me to hear without the device.

Without thanking Aiden for saving my life, I fled. Running deeper into the woods to get away from the commotion, my sense of direction was thrown off. I manage to find an open car and hopped into the backseat, catching my breath as I placed the backpack of supplies onto my lap.

In my left ear, I can still hear the guns fired through the ears piece. Even though I felt uneasy while I was standing with them as the shootings happened, I felt even worse just sitting in the car away from them. If someone did need my help, it would be too late for them to make it to me. Should I go back? I carefully listened to anything that would give me an excuse to join them. After much yelling, screaming, and gunshots being fired, there was silence.

"I think that's all of them," Marcella said.

"I check inside the house," Lorenzo said, volunteering to do the last search. There was a bit of ruffling before he told us, "All clear."

"Ila?" Matteo called for me.

I perked up at the sound of his voice, "Yes?"

"Get a bandage ready for Giovanni."

"What happened?" I asked, thinking of the worse as I waited for a reply.

"Nothing major, but it's going to leave a nice battle scar," Giovanni answered.

I opened my bag and dug around, trying to feel for the bandage roll since there was a lack of light for me to see it. As I did, the doors to the passenger and driver side opened. Two guys rushed in and scrambled to start the car.

"Get us the fuck out of here!" The passenger yelled, hastening his seatbelt on.

"What the hell do you think I'm trying to do?" The driver argued back as he struggled to get the key in the ignition. When he finally did, he got the car out of parking and zoomed out.

"Shit, shit, shit, what do we fucking do?" The passenger asked.

"Call the boss." The driver ordered. "Tell him that Il Bisbiglio just fucking attacked us."

"Those bitches killed Uriel. I told him to not to waste time in trying to surrender. Those damned snakes."

The passenger took out his phone. He turned on the screen, which cast a blue light across his face as he tried to make a phone call. He looked unfamiliar to me but I didn't need to know that to prove my suspicion. The way they were cursing about Il Bisbiglio proved that they weren't members of it, confirming that I was stuck with the enemy.

I had gotten into the wrong car and now I was being driven away by Stollo's men to God knows where. As that sank in, I tried to control my breathing. They haven't noticed me yet and if I kept my calm, maybe I can get away from them somehow. I remembered the earpiece I had. I wanted, so badly, to call for help, but I couldn't risk it. Unfortunately, we were getting further away from everyone. Sooner or later, the device will disconnect and wouldn't be helpful, but the timing was important.

"Stollo is not picking up." The passenger said, turning off his phone.

"We'll have to go to him, then."

I looked outside the window and saw that we were going too fast for me to jump out of the car and survive. Besides, me opening the door wouldn't go unnoticed since it was locked.

Suddenly, there was a sharp turn. The force caused my bag to fall off my lap and onto the floor with a thud. Both of them heard and peered over their shoulders.

"What the fuck?" They yelled. The guy in the passenger seat grabbed his gun and I yelled in panic.

"Matteo, help me!" I screamed, hoping that the earpiece was still in service.


Matteo's voice was cut off by static.

Please show much love :))))

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