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"Do you always carry that much money with you?" I asked Matteo as we waited for the elevator.

"It's useful at times." He shrugged.

How can he casually spend that much money and walk without care or worry? Matteo just paid off two years of my rent. How much money is this mafia circulating?

The two metal doors in front of us slid open and we stepped into the empty mobile box. Matteo was carrying the heavier luggage of the two while I was wheeling my suitcase.

We successfully got my stuff into the back of the car. Matteo offered to drive and I let him since I was feeling tired. Strapping myself in the passenger seat, I looked at the time. It was 6:32. We've spent one hour and a half in the city and was time to go back to the mafia house.

Ila had dozed off to sleep. She was rubbing her arms to keep herself warm. Ila was slightly shivering. I frowned at how uncomfortable she must be while sleeping sitting upright.

Fortunately, the traffic light had turned red. I took the time to lean over Ila, reaching for the button to send the back of her seat down. After I got her seat to recline, I shrugged off my jacket and placed it on Ila for her to use as a blanket.

Worried that it wasn't enough to keep her warm, I turned on the heater.

I woke up in confusion, asking myself the same questions I always ask when I walk up from a nap.

Who am I? Where am I? What year is it?

I yawned as I stretched and realized a few things: I was using Matteo's jacket as a blanket and I was laying down in my horizontal seat.

"We're almost at the house," Matteo informed me.

Even though I had slept through the whole car ride, I was still tired. Seeing in no point of going back to sleep, I adjusted my chair back upright and placed Matteo's jacket on my lap.

A few minutes later, the mafia house came into sight. The house didn't look as empty as we left it. The light from inside wasn't concealed with the blinds and curtains.

As the garage opened, I noticed a lot of cars were there than from when I last saw it. I got out of the car and met with Matteo around the back of it.

I handed him his jacket, "Thank you."

"No problem." He said as he slipped on his jacket.

Matteo opened the trunk and grabbed my luggage. He handed me my suitcase and took the duffle bag.

I got to the front door before Matteo. Hearing the people from inside, I knocked on the door thinking it'll be a faster way to get in than waiting for Matteo to catch up and fish for his keys. The door swung open and I was met with a gun pointed in my face by a woman.

"Who are you?" she asked as she placed the front of the gun onto my forehead.

The redhead waited for my reply but I was too shock to form sentences.

"D-doctor," I stuttered, "Ma-afia's doctor!"

"We don't have a doctor." She said, raising her eyebrows as she pushed the gun, slightly tilting my head backward.

"Aletta," I heard Matteo ordered as he finally arrived at the front door, "Lower your gun."

"Matteo?" She asked. Aletta was confused but she listen to Matteo, bringing the gun to her side.

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