Chapter 19

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A/N: I know I said this might be the ball, but I lied. Another... I guess you could call it a filler, although there is a little “drama.” But I promise. Next chapter will be the ball! I thought about including it in this one, but I think I wrapped it up nicely, so I didn't want to continue. Next one, I promise!

-Elizabeth's POV-

Me and Bekah entered the Mikealson house laughing, our arms loaded with shopping bags. This had to have been one of the best days I have had in a long time.

“Hello, sister. Elizabeth.” a voice said. We looked, and we both smiled.

“Hello, Elijah.” we both said in unison. We looked at each other and giggled. Elijah smirked.

“Do you need help with those bags?” he asked.

“Yes, please.” Rebekah replied. Elijah nodded, and called. Several strangers walked in and grabbed our bags.

“Who are they?” I asked. I knew the Mikalesons enjoyed having servants, but these didn't look like the average compelled humans.

“Klaus' hybrids.” Rebekah said, with a shriveled up nose.

“You don't like them much?” I asked.

“They are his replacement family. In case things don't work out with us.” she replied grumpily, and then stormed off.

“Same old Bekah. Laughing one minute, sulking the next.” I muttered.

“I heard that!” she yelled, then I heard her door slam. I just shook my head and laughed. Elijah chuckled, and I looked back at him.

“Welcome home, Elizabeth.” he said, and I walked over and gave him a hug.

“It's good to see you Elijah.” I whispered, as he wrapped his arms around me.

“I have missed you.” he said. I looked at him, shocked that he would admit to such a thing.

“I've missed you too.” I said. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, and stepped back.

I smiled at him. He smiled back then said.

“I talked to your brothers. They asked me to send you home when you got back.” I groaned. I had been dreading this. I wonder if Elena has told them about my escapade last night...

“Of course, you are more than welcome to stay here as long as you like...” another voice said. I looked up and saw Kol. I smirked.

“I know. But I need to face them at sometime.” I sighed.

“Alright. Then I'm coming with you.” he said. I looked at him.

“Kol, no. If you show up, they just might rip your heart out. And even you can't recover from that.”

He grinned. “They would have to be able to get to me first.” I sighed.

“No. I will go alone.” He sighed, but nodded.

“Alright. But we will see you tomorrow at the ball, right?”

“Of course. And I already have my dress.” I smiled, thinking of it.

“Good. Then we shall see you tomorrow.” Elijah said.


They each came and kissed my cheek, then Elijah walked me to the door.

“Bye, Bex!” I yelled. “Thanks for the shopping!”

She showed up at the top of the steps.

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