Chapter 20 - THE BALL! Part 1...

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I was awakened the next day by a loud knocking on my door. I groaned and rolled over.

“Go away...” I growled. I heard a chuckle and then my door opened.

“Sorry, princess, no can do." Damon called through the door. "Apparently your bestie, Barbie Klaus is taking charge of your appearance tonight. I just got a rather angry call, because you weren't answering your phone. She is sending some people over to pamper you, and you need to be up and ready when they arrive. I am under strict orders to make sure you are up, by whatever means necessary, with my life on the line. So, ups-a-daisy.”

I groaned. Of course Bex would do something like this...

I looked at the clock. Noon. I had 7 hours until the ball tonight, and yet the pampering was starting now. I sighed and shook my head, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

At that second, my phone rang. I picked it up.

“I'm getting up, Bex!” I said.

“Oh. Good. Several ladies will be over to your house momentarily, to do your hair, make-up, and nails. Don't worry, I have told them what should be done. Just sit back and relax. See you tonight!” she said, then hung up.

I sighed, and got up. The doorbell rang. I got up and wrapped a robe around me. I answered the door. 5 women stood there.

“Hi. Miss. Mikaelson sent us over to help you prepare for the ball.” a middle-ages brunette said. I smiled, and ushered them in.

“Welcome. I'm just going to get a quick shower, then I will be back. Make yourselves at home, and set up whatever you need.”

They nodded, and walked into the living room. On my way up the stairs, I passed Stefan.

“Who was at the door?” he asked.

“Some people Bex sent to help me get ready...” I replied, rolling my eyes. He chuckled.

“Well, okay. Me and Damon are heading to the Grille. Have fun. See you later.” he said, kissing my forehead, and heading out the door. I smirked, then continued upstairs. Damon was just coming out of his room.

“Have fun!” he said, smirking. I grimaced.

“Thanks...” I said. He chuckled and headed downstairs.

I showered quick, but left my hair wet. I put a button up shirt on, so I wouldn't ruin my hair taking it off later, and some leggings. I gathered myself, preparing for this long process. Then I headed downstairs.


5 hours later, I had been buffed all over my exposed skin. My hair had been twisted and pulled, and all my nails, fingers and toes, had been shaped, and painted. My face had been worked on, my eyebrows waxed, and make-up put on, though not much – I didn't need it, with my flawless skin. Sometime, being a vampire was awesome. I didn't need make-up caked on my skin.

I thanked each of the ladies, who I had spent all afternoon with, and waved goodbye. Neither of my brothers had returned, probably afraid to walk into the beauty salon that their living room had turned into.

I still had 2 hours until the ball began. As I walked into my room to look at what had been done to my hair and face, my phone rang. I looked and picked up.

“They just left, Bex.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Have you looked yet?” she asked excitedly.

“I was just about to.” I replied.

“Oh, good. I want to hear your reaction.” she said.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom.

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