Chapter 37

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A/N: I know, I know. It has taken me so long to update. I really am very sorry. I won't make any excuses, because even though I was really busy, I should have tried to find some time to update sooner. I know, I'm a horrible person... I'm really, really sorry, you guys.

Anyway, just a forewarning for this chapter – there is a bit of a time skip from the previous chapter. Also, I tried to incorporate some more back story, and also Klaus' sweet side. So, I really hope this is good and you all enjoy it!!

-Elizabeth's POV-

I slowly woke up to see the sun shining. At first, I was confused about where I was, but as I looked around, I remembered. Me and Klaus were in the Adirondacks, hunting werewolves. We had found this little abandoned cabin, and stayed here last night.

We had been traveling the Eastern seaboard for the past few weeks. We had found a couple of small packs - about 15 werewolves total, including the original 6 from the Smokeys. They had given us a few leads, but it seemed word was getting around about the Original Hybrid and his ripper out to make hybrids and werewolves had gone into hiding – at least around here. If we struck out here, we were heading west.

I wondered what had awoken me, when I heard a knocking on the cabin door. I briefly wondered who knew we were here, but because I was still sleepy, I ignored that instinct, and rolled over, curling into Klaus. I felt him chuckle, but slowly rise out of bed, throwing on some pants and heading to the door.

I groaned and pulled the sheet up over my head as he answered the door. It must have been someone he knew, because he greeted them brightly. I wasn't paying much attention to the conversation, until I hear Klaus exclaim "WHAT!?" He quickly stepped out of the cabin, probably to try to have a more private conversation.

I was vastly curious, but didn't listen in, instead opting to wait for Klaus to come in to bombard him with questions.

I heard Klaus bidding the person goodbye, then he stepped in, shutting the door. I sat up and looked at him questioningly.

He sighed, obviously hoping I had gone back to sleep and wouldn't question him.

"That was Kyle. One of my hybrids." he explained, adding the last part when I didn't respond to the name.

"And?" I asked.

He sighed before continuing. "The hunter escaped. Don't ask me how, you don't want to know. I have to go back to Mystic Falls. It seems he is on a war path." I jumped out of bed.

"I'm coming, too!" I exclaimed, searching for my clothes. Klaus sighed.

"No, love. You're not." he said wearily, obviously expecting a fight. He was right.

"WHAT!?" I yelled, whipping around. Klaus just stared back unflinching.

"I said, you're not coming with me."

"Yes, I am! My family - my brothers, and yours and Bekah, are all in danger. I can't just sit back and do nothing!" I yelled.

"I can't have you there." Klaus said, his eyes hardening.

"And why the hell not!? I could help!"

"No." he said, glaring at me.

"Name one good reason I can't come help!" I shouted, getting in his face.

"BECAUSE YOU COULD GET KILLED!!" Klaus screamed. I stepped back in shock, my mouth falling open.

Klaus sighed, and scrubbed at his face with both hands, gazing at me wearily.

"You're... worried about me??" I asked. Klaus sighed.

"Of course I am, sweetheart. I always have been. It is part of the reason I daggered Kol so many years ago." he said wearily.

"What?" I gasped. Klaus sighed and led me to the bed, making me sit down next to him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Back then, you and Kol went on many killing sprees together..."

"I know." I interrupted. Klaus glared, and I shut up, letting him continue.

"Anyway. What you don't know is that Kol went on many more without you. He killed thousands of people, some of ours friends even." I gasped, but waited for him to continue.

"The night before I daggered him, he killed a whole group of people - including friends. But he missed one in his craze, and she reported to the authorities about the monster who had killed all those people, crying vampire." I gaped at him in shock. I had never heard this. He continued.

"She could identify him, and was going to lead them to us. I killed her before she could. But I knew that this could happen again, that he had lost control over himself. He put us all in danger, and you especially, as you were with him a majority of the time, hunting with him numerous times a week. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone found us, and tried to kill us. We couldn't be killed, but you could. Even worse, he was drawing so much attention, I feared Mikael finding us. I knew Kol had to be stopped, so I daggered him."

"You told him you didn't love me..." I whispered. He nodded, pain filling his eyes.

"Yes. A complete lie, but one you heard and believed. And though it hurt me to see you go, I knew you were at least safe. You were away from Kol, and the rest of us, meaning Mikael wouldn't find you. I vowed to find you again soon, and explain, but you disappeared..."

"I went to Europe... I couldn't bear to stay on the same continent. I needed to be alone to nurse my broken heart..." I whispered. He nodded, then looked at me, slightly pained.

"I never understood how you could believe such an outright lie. After all the time we spent together, all the nights, all the time I told you that I loved you, how could you believe that it was all a lie?" he asked.

"I never believed I was enough for you. I'm centuries younger, and a complete monster. How could someone like you love me?" I whispered, looking down.

Klaus lifted my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

"Believe me, it is I who is not good enough for you. I am the monster. When I look at you, all I see is light. It is a slightly dark light, but a blinding light all the same. And that monster you speak of? It is what makes you all the more amazing. How you can be such a kind, caring person, while being a raging monster on the inside. It is truly spectacular. Besides, I loved you before you were a monster, and I turned you into one. How could I hate something I created? We are more alike than anyone else I have ever met, and it draws me to you." he whispered. We sat there, staring into each others eyes, just soaking in each others love, and realizing how loved we were.

Suddenly, one of our phones went off. He looked down at his, then back at me, shaking his head. I reached over for my phone on the bed table. I looked at the phone, and gaped at the caller ID. Taking a deep breath and stealing myself, I answered the phone.


I know this is really short. I'm really sorry. I just felt like stopping here, leaving a little anticipation for the next chapter.

Also, I feel like I went a little "Twilight-y" during this chapter... idk... What do you guys think?? Was it still okay??

And AWWW!!! Klaus was so sweet – even if a little 'Twilight-y"...

Please let me know what you think!!! Until next time!!

The Other SalvatoreTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon