Chapter 25

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A/N: I want to dedicate this chapter to @Hemithea. My phone blew up yesterday (6/8) from her voting for every single one of my chapters!! Thank you for joining my group of readers. It means a lot!!

On to a new chapter!! Enjoy!!

-Elizabeth's POV-

I sat on the floor of Kols' bathroom, in shock. I couldn't believe what I had just done. I let my walls come down, and I had done something stupid. I didn't know how I felt about Klaus anymore, and by kissing him, I was leading him to believe we could get back together. And I just didn't know if that's what I wanted. I was so confused. I couldn't cry, or feel happy. I was just numb with shock. And I couldn't help replaying that kiss over and over. It had felt – right. It felt really good to be back in those arms. But I couldn't do this to myself. He had even said, I was just a distraction. And I couldn't open myself up for that kind of hurt again. Besides, he didn't even want me. He wanted Caroline.

It had been a moment of weakness on both of our parts. Yeah, that was it. We were both overwhelmed with the days events, and did something that, okay, we wouldn't regret, but something that wouldn't – couldn't – happen again.

As I was sitting there, I heard a soft knocking on the door.

“Go away, Kol.” I whispered, knowing he would hear me.

“It isn't Kol.” came the soft feminine voice. I reached up and unlocked the door. Bekah came in, and closed the door behind her, locking it. But not before I noticed Kol standing in his room, looking in worriedly at us, and Bekah shooing him away.

She sat down next to me, and just pulled my head into her lap. I laid there, and she stroked my hair.

“I don't know why I did it, Bex.” I whispered. She just shushed me soothingly and continued to stroke my hair. Finally, the tears came. They poured out of my eyes, and onto Bekahs' blue pajama bottoms. She said nothing, just stroked my hair, and let me cry.

Finally, the tears subsided and I sat up. Bekah sat back and looked at me. Her eyes showed worry and understanding.

“Why don't you tell me what happened?” Bekah said softly. I sniffled, then launched into the story.

“I came here, and Klaus was outside. He thanked me for helping save you guys today. I went to walk away and he grabbed my arm. He said he was sorry for what he said earlier...” I trailed off, noticing Bekahs confused look. “...Oh, right, you were in the tunnels. Basically, he accused me of helping my brothers dagger you all.” Bekah looked slightly pissed, and I nodded. “Yeah. Exactly. So I got mad and screamed and yelled. So, anyway, he apologized for that. And he was still holding me, and he came closer, and I looked up and got lost in his eyes. I couldn't have stopped him, even if I had wanted to, which at that moment, I didn't. So, he kissed me. And, I don't know what happened, but a fire was lite within me, and the passion overflowed. One little kiss basically turned into a make-out session. I don't even know where things would have gone if Kol hadn't come out then...” I said, more tears leaking out. I couldn't believe what I had done. It was incredibly stupid. Bekah sat there, looking at me, partly shocked, but still with full understanding in her eyes.

“Did you enjoy it?” she finally asked. I scoffed.

“Really, Bex? That's what you want to know?”

“Just answer me.” she demanded. I thought.

“Yes. I did.” I finally admitted. She grinned.

“Do you want it to happen again?” she asked.

“No.... yes... maybe... I don't know!!!” I stuttered. She frowned.

“I'm so confused.” I whispered, flopping down. She stroked my hair again, silent. When I finally sat up again, she had a thoughtful look on her face.

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