7 | Feelings?

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Travel and tell no one,
Live a true love story
And tell no one,
Live happily
And tell no one,
People ruin
Beautiful things.


The teacher walks in and starts class.

While working, the teacher calls Chanyeol to his desk then he calls your name.

You get up and walk to his desk. Instead of Jimin working, he was looking at the three of you.

"Y/N can you help Chanyeol with something?"

You look at Chanyeol and back to the teacher. "With what?"

"With English"

"You understand it and speak it very well. It looks like you two know each other right? You don't mind working with her, right Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol shook his head.

"Okay I'll help him."

"Thank you Y/N- ah."

"Okay, it's settled." You both started walking to your desks when the teacher calls you back.

"What is it?"

"How did the project go with Jimin?"

"Not so well." You sighed, he stopped what he was doing.

"I know about your mothers plan and what she will do to you."

You were surprised by his words.

"I didn't know about it in the beginning, but now I do. It will really bring your grade down in this class and by the sound of it, it looks like you didn't finish."

You nod your head in agreement.

"I'll tell you what, I'll give you another week sine you're helping out Chanyeol."


It sounds like I'm using him to get more time on this project, but I'm not. He asked for help before the teacher said this.

"Yeah but no more time after that alright?" You nod and go to your seat.

The bell rings.

"Hey Y/N.. can you help me around school? I'm going to get lost."

"Sure let's go." You both leave

Lunch time ( yeet )

"Do you still feel like you're going to get lost?"

"Nope" Chanyeol shook his head.

While walking, some girls were talking about Chanyeol. "He's very good looking."

"Yeah but why is he with Y/N?"

"I guess she's just showing him around since the teacher told her. She's the teachers pet after all." The girls laughed while passing you

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