21 | Father

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"What? To who? Hey, are you still there?"

"Y/N, there you are! I didn't see you there where I left you. I really got scared that something happened to you. Where were you all this time?"

You remember Jimin's words.

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it!

"I was looking around and something caught my attention, I'm sorry."

More like someone.

"It's alright, but next time tell me. Let's ride the Ferris Wheel and the we'll go home."

You both walk to the Ferris Wheel and got in. It began to move.

It moved to the very top and stopped. You look down feeling slightly scared but remember what Jimin said in the previous ride and you calmed down.

"Y/N, can I ask you a question and please answer me honestly."

You nod as you look at him.

"Do you like Jimin?"

You stop for a moment looking outside. "What does it mean to like someone?"

"It's when you always like to be close to that person. Your heart starts beating fast when they are close to you, you start to feel nervous, feeling butterflies in your stomach, blushing a lot, getting jealous when you see them with other people. Gives a different feeling that those around you."

"You said to answer honestly?"

He nods.

"Then yes, I do like Jimin."

It went quiet. You look at Chanyeol to see him staring at you.


"Oh sorry, my mind went blank for a second. Thank you for answering honestly."

"Sure, but why'd you ask?"

"I just wanted to confirm it,that's all."


Chanyeol walks you home.

"Thank you for today."

"Anytime Y/N. Just to let you know, I won't be here for the weekend, I'm going out with the boys. Just so you don't worry."

"Okay, be careful, and tell them I said hi."

"Okay, I will. Hey, Y/N... can I get a hug?"

"Of course."

You hug each other for a few seconds, Chanyeol squeezing you before letting go.

"It's getting late. Text me if you need anything, alright?"

"I will. Bye."



It was around 3 in the morning when the doorbell rang a few times causing you to wake up. You heard your mother talking to the person and letting them come inside. You decided to check it out yourself.

"Oh, she's awake."

"Hello Y/N."

Your jaw drops seeing the person in front of you.



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