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It was another week... where Lenita was in class but this time her hair was slicked in a bun and she put more effort in her makeup and she remembered to wear her glasses this time.

But it was only because today was a good day and her mom wasn't using as much but only since there was no man in her life and she didn't have to find a cheap motel after long hours of work.

But her good days didn't necessarily mean that it was generally a good one because a young adult wasn't supposed to be worrying about her mom the way she did and she shouldn't have to be worrying about paying for a room with old mattresses and mouldy bathrooms.

But to her it was a good day.

And her smile seemed to widen when Harry would look at the back of the classroom to only have her looking right back at him with tinted cheeks and a crooked smile.

The one good thing however was that every night after the day she called him he would call her.

And they would just talk.

Talk about their biggest fears, how many siblings they had, what their dream was.

And he would end the conversation with saying "goodnight, pretty girl" and the nickname never ceased to make her smile.

So today with the previous conversation they had the night before they walked side by side after school with him playfully trying to intertwine his fingers with hers.

"Stop it," she laughed as she slapped his hand away and it only made him smile.

And he promised himself he'd do anything to see that laugh everyday.

"Make me," he murmured into her ear as he gently pushed her against his locker. And he felt it... the pounding of the heart beating faster than normal as  his fingers went to her chest to feel the golden chain that was there. "You still didn't agree..."

"Agree to what," she was finally able to say due to her mind being clouded from him being so close to her, his smell intoxicating her.

"To going out with me," he mumbled quietly and she only shook her head.

"Rejection," and he looked up at her confused as she spoke the word in a mere whisper. "You told me.. like on the phone that um..." she took a pause. "That being rejected was your biggest fear."

And he hated to admit that he felt a tad vulnerable at that moment as she looked up with her innocent brown eyes as he looked down and smiled a bit to hide the vulnerability.

"Yeah..." he spoke quietly. "Especially If it's from a pretty girl like you, yeah... might bruise my ego a bit," he teased her.

And there wasn't a lot of thoughts going through her brain like work or the drugs and alcohol she was afraid that would show up in her house again and cheap motels and money and school.

Instead it was full cheeks and big toothy smiles and smirks and the constant stare of green eyes.

"We can work on our philosophy assignment together," she suggested instead and she only said that because she didn't want to rush into things and she wanted to smile a bit longer before he was off running to another girl.

"Yeah... yeah sure. Yours or mine?" He asked.

"Yours. Definitely yours," she responded quickly, not wanting him to see the mess of her house- if she was even staying there that night.

"Right now?" He asked slowly.

"Yeah.. yeah right now."

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to get me alone."

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