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Lenita pleaded to not be in the same room as him. It didn't matter that they would be several feet apart with people watching she just didn't want to see him and so she didn't.

Harry stood in cuffs, the bruises burned against the metal but that was no pain compared to the pain he put her through.

She wanted him to suffer more than she did.

Lenita didn't believe in a lot of things but one thing she did believe was that it started with love because even though it was faint she remembered the times where she smiled because of him and only wanted to see him.

But what Harry never showed was the darkness of his thoughts he kept hidden for years and those thoughts changed how he saw her and how he saw her before wasn't how he saw her now because before he would do anything for her and now he would do anything to show she belonged to him.

Or maybe this was his game all along. Find an innocent girl that went through trauma and pain and would easily fall for the one that gave them attention.

Let her fall in love, let her know she can only be loved by one. let her know that she wasn't her own.

Maybe he never really did love her and his admiration for her quickly became an obsession and not the love she had for him.

He was obsessed with knowing that she was his.

Obsessed with knowing that he could cherish her, hurt her, touch her.

It was a blur the last few weeks, all of it with the paperwork, and the shouting with the propositions and the nightmares and the many many bruises she tried to scrub away but never could.

She felt dirty and used and the more she scrubbed away at her raw red skin the more she bled and the more she bruised and the more she couldn't stop thinking about his filthy fingers on her.

Lenita never once felt safe as she went from hotel to hotel knowing as soon as this was done she would fly to her friend Isabella to try and find a way to start over.

She didn't know if she could. Starting over was never easy especially if she didn't really know who she was anymore.

She didn't know who she was without him

And Lenita hated the fact that she thought she only knew herself because of him and she hated that every thought was him and some of the bruises on her body were because of him and she hated that she loved him.

Most of all she felt the most sick knowing despite everything she still loved him because he was the only love she ever knew and she never knew better.

She deserved better but never knew what better was.

"Five years."

He only got five years.

Her pain and suffering only equaled to five years.

If she didn't leave sooner she would've been dead.

Harry got led back to his cell not an inch of sorrow on his face as the men walked him back.

This was all an misunderstanding, he thought. Lenita wouldn't do this to them she needed him too much, she would always need him.

He didn't think he was delusional for thinking the thoughts he did because he truly believed that no one would be better for her and he was the best she had.

She was just angry at him, he thought. There was no way she would leave him forever.

But that was Lenita's plan. No goodbye, no final I love you's, no questions as to why he did what he did.

She left to start her life over.

No one in that town really heard from her again, not even her own mom.

People wondered especially the ones that seen the tears that left her eyes in the night as she walked to wherever she was going.

Lenita left without a trace, no one knew the girl that used to live in a house with her mom filled with yelling drugs and fights and the night jobs along with balancing school in the day and in between school and her job she would cry or hookup with a meaningless stranger.

Because after that time she smiled and her eyes were more bright and filled with wonder and she saw a future; a future with a boy everyone was particularly fond of. the handsome boy raised by the two lawyers.

But no one knew who she was after that, no one knew who she was or where she went after she was found holding hands with the boy.

Many thought she lived her happily ever after and was never heard again, until it was found out he was put in jail and the girl was no where to be seen.

The boy kept himself occupied in his little cell, writing letters to her.

Because even though she was the reason why he was in there he truly believed that they were meant to be and that she was nothing without him and could never be anything without him.

So even as he sat there on his bed with pen and paper to hand he knew he was with her no matter where she went.

The boy knew that no matter how many years went by and how many years they've been apart he would always be able to find the girl who took his heart, the one that sang because of him and smiled because of him and confessed her love to him many times.

He knew that they were truly meant to be and that she was only his.

No matter where you go my pretty girl I will always go after you because you are truly nothing without me. -H

He sealed the letter closed and placed it on his table writing her name on the envelope. 

He smiled a small smile knowing one day they could truly be together.


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