Chapter 8

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Omega Pov

Will left not long after we got here. I can't remember the last time was ever this alone. There was always someone in the pack house lately Will has been around me as much as possible. Silence hangs in the air around me and I breathe it all in with relish. I've never felt safer than I do at this moment. Even after I rejected Will there was still this feeling around me like I was in one of those haunted houses and everyone could just decide I wasn't good enough anymore and hurt me as they did before. The pack house had too many ghosts for me.
Will will be back later to help me pick out furniture so I leave my stuff in its box and begin to explore my new home.
The kitchen isn't nearly as big as I'm used to. That's okay though, I'm only really cooking for myself instead of hundreds.
Nothing else really catches my eye. I can't help thinking about how lifeless it is though. The pack house was full of so many personal touches. The idea of turning this place into a home is daunting.
I don't have family pictures to put up. I have no idea what I like so I'm not sure what kind of knick knacks to get. I'm not sure if I'm good at anything creative so homemade stuff may be off the table.
Will Pov

It would have been impossible to miss the way her face lit up when we got there. She was the happiest I'd seen her in a very long time. I didn't want her to go through. I wish she was that happy with me, but I understand why she's not.
Her eyes still go wide when she sees me even if for only a moment. What I've done is the kind of thing you don't forget easily or else we might be together now.
For the thousandth time I wish I'd done things differently. If I had then we'd probably be planning our wedding by now. She'd be such a beautiful bride.
The pain of the rejection hasn't gotten any lesser, I'm just more used to it. Those first few days were absolute hell in every way. I remember that day she came to see me for the first time since the rejection. I knew I deserved that pain, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the relief of her just being near me, and then that kiss. Being without her now I can't imagine I'll be getting much sleep although even if it weren't for the physical ache it still is impossible.
I'll go to see her again later today though. I'm taking her furniture shopping and then hopefully to dinner. After that, I'll help her arrange the furniture. She's not strong enough to do it by herself and that's my fault too.
I'm the one who put a limit on what she would eat. Then I force her to do so much work. I'm sure the constant beatings didn't help either. I can't believe what I put her through. She's practically child sized.
I have no idea why she willingly spends time with me. I'd even offered to pay for movers so that she didn't have to see me. I can't believe I get to spend the day with her.
Before I can do that though I must finish up all the alpha duties that I've been neglecting as of late.
Luckily there nothing too stressful here, however, I have to hire new help. Since we lost our main um... Cleaning, I must get some maids because no one else knows how to do anything and the whole house is going to shit.
I never realized how much she did. I didn't drop everything off on her at once and I wasn't the only one giving her responsibilities and that on top of her injuries must have been near impossible. I'm a horrible person, alpha, and mate. I hang my head in shame.
Still even though being confronted with everything she had to do I manage to get through all the applicants and decide on fifteen people. Once I'm done dotting every I and crossing every T I get up and leave the whole mess of paperwork behind.
I hurry back to the little house and knock on the door. I hear her moving around inside. She pulls open the door and smiles at me.
"Are you ready to go?" I ask her. She nods at me. We walk down the pathway and I decide to make a bold move. I curl my pinky around hers just a bit in an offer to hold her hand. She gasps at the sudden contact and looks up at me before intertwining our fingers. Her hand is tiny in mine. We walk along as the pleasurable tingles dance up my arm. We make our way to the store sooner than I'd like.
As we make our way through the furniture section first, I realized how hard it's going to be for her to allow me to get her anything. Eventually, after much debate, we settled on a couch, two beds, a rocking chair, dresser, a washer dryer combo, and a few bookcases. We get to the clothing section and it gets even harder. Not only does she not want me to get her anything but, with her being as small as she is were forced to go to the kid's section for a lot of the clothes. Once again, my fault. The home goods section was easier though. She knew what was needed so much better than me. We check out and the cashier tells us that they'll drop everything off for us.
Next, I start walking her to a restaurant nearby.
"Where are we going?" She asks.
"I want to take you to dinner"
"Will you don't have to do that; you can just take me to the grocery store" I freeze at that. She said my name. I turn back to her to find her looking at me confusedly and a little frightened by my sudden stop. I smile down at her almost like a maniac and lift her off the ground and into my arms.
"What are you doing?" She asks a put her down and plants a kiss on her forehead.
"You said my name" she looks at me questioningly before the realization dawns on her.
"Yeah I guess I did", she mutters shyly, "you aren't mad right?". I bend down a bit to be eye level with her.
"No, never again love"

"No, never again love"

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