Chapter 25

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Luna Pov

Reaching Dr. Azur's office as quickly as I possibly can I slam through the door without even knocking. She sits at her receptionist's desk and immediately looks up at me with shocked eyes. I'm sure I must be quite the sight, a skinny weeping girl soaking in rain and blood carrying a girl who easily has fifty pounds on her.
"Oh my God Hope what happened", she starts, "I heard you had disappeared and I heard you accepting the Luna position without ceremony. Then the fire alarm went off and a prisoner went missing". She comes to me.
"I don't have time to explain right now okay?", I ask in my Luna tone, " just take care of her". She nods her head and takes her from me and to the back to work on her.
I have to go. I know I must go. I can't stay here with Will. He's too dangerous when it comes to anything having to do with me. I can't be anywhere near him anymore if I ever want to be happy.
I go over to the receptionist's desk to grab a pen and paper to write my goodbye. Finding what I'm looking for quickly.
Tears fill my eyes as I write.

Will pov

If I thought things were chaotic before I was wrong. This is true chaos. No one knows what's going on. No one can find our newly coronated Luna. No one knows why the alarm was pulled. And no one knows what happened to the unconscious Cassie.
At this point, rain and sleet are coming down in record-breaking amounts and I'm running back to Hope's house. Reaching it in minutes I breakdown her door without knocking. I start to search through her entire house. Nothing is out of place but, she is nowhere to be found.
Overwhelmed by everything I go her bedroom and lay on her bed with tears falling out of my eyes. I bury my face in her pillows inhaling her scent.
Hours later I'm almost asleep when I feel something terrible. A pack bond was just cut. A pack bond with an alpha. But, I'm still here which means... I scream my pain and sorrow. I sit up in her bed and start pulling at my hair and scratching my skin.
Hope left me.
I bolt up and out the door. This can't be right surely; she must still be on pack lands right. There's no way she left. She has to still be here. She can't leave me.
I spend the rest of the night scouring every inch of the pack with rain pounding down on me. Eventually, the sun rises, and the rain stops.
Suddenly I hear my mom's voice in my head, "son there's something you need to see at Dr. Azur's office okay?". I run desperately to her office hoping desperately for news of my mate.
I reach her office in record time to find my mom and Dr. Azur crying in the front room. I want to ask a million questions but, before I can they hand me a piece of paper. As I start to read, I feel myself pale

Dear Will,
I'm so sorry about this and everything else but, I had to leave. I just couldn't stay here anymore. I'm not rejecting you again because I can't bear the thought of you being in pain because of me because I now realize you'd never accept. However, we can't be together anymore and I'm not sure we ever can be again. I do love you. I have always loved you. I can't really remember that my name used to be Hope or what my parents looked like but, I remember always loving you. I loved you as you abused me. I loved you that fateful night when you realized what we were. And most importantly I love you now even as I write this. I know that I will still love you even fifty years from now.
I don't know when or even if I'm coming back. I ask that you don't look for me even though I know you will. Please find another girl to love, try to forget about me, start a family, and be happy.

I love you,

By the end of her letter, I'm on the ground bawling. My sadness though quickly turns to anger I drop the letter and I run back to her house. Standing before the house I scream at it. I'm standing there for hours just hurling abuse at the house long after I lose my voice. People passing walk faster when they see me and try to act like they're not seeing their alpha on his knees trying to scream at a house.
Eventually, I start begging through our broken bond for her to come back. I know there's no way she can hear me, but I try anyway.
"Please come back. Please, I can change. I'll do anything. Please just come back. Please, I love you so much. I can give you everything".
But, she can't hear me. Even if she could she wouldn't respond. And she's gone.
My mom finds me and comes to put her arm around me.
"It's going to be okay"
"No, it's not".

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