Chapter 20

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A/n- As this book has gained popularity I've noticed some interesting comments; especially on this chapter. If this is where you choose to stop reading that is fine, your time is yours, do as you please. However, don't criticize my book based on the ending you think it will have. There's still twenty percent of this book left. I still have five chapters and an epilogue left to satisfy your literary palette. You guys won't know what exact brand of bullshit I'm on until the very end.

Omega pov

I feel so safe. Everything is warm, soft and swaying. I'm pressed against something that makes me feel all tingly. This is so nice. I inhale deeply taking in the sweet scent surrounding me, minty and woodland. I curl even closer to the source of my comfort. I could stay like this forever.
My eyes flutter open to see the source of the luxury. I find myself looking into Will's tear-stained face. He doesn't seem to notice my wakefulness. I know after everything that's happened our end is approaching so I allow myself just to look at him. I always forget how beautiful he is. He has the warmest eyes I've ever seen. His dark brown hair looks black in the dim lights of the stars fighting a stark contrast what does now pale skin. He always had a naturally dark complexion but now I suppose from the stress of me it has faded. Still, he is perfect. I love him despite it all.
"Will", I say immediately getting his attention, " what are we doing?". He stops walking and looks down at me.
"What do you mean?", he asks.
I gather my courage to say what I need to, "I love you Will, but nothing we do is working. We can't go on like this forever. Together our lives have just become a cycle of violence and regret".
"But I love you", he says, " and we must work, we were made for each other".
"What does that matter? No amount of destiny our divine intervention matters if we continue this way and it seems like we've tried everything it seems, being together was too much for me and being apart has only brought more pain for everyone. What else can we do?". His face crumbles with the realization of how right I am. This is no way to live.
"I promise we can figure it out", he tells me, "we'll keep trying until we get it right okay?".
"How can you say that?".
"Because we love each other", his voice now raising with stress. With his volume and all intensity in his stare, I would usually back down now but, I know that if I ever want us to get out of this rut, we're in then I have to be brave.
"We need so much more than love", he sighs knowing I'm right.
"Then what do we do?".
"I don't know".
He carries me back to the pack house in silence after our talk. This isn't the place I want to be but, I must face it sooner or later. For the second time tonight I'm in his bed though this time he's on the chair nearby. The same chair we had our first kiss. That feels so long ago. Was it only weeks? Days after that we had our date. We used to be going somewhere. Where did all go wrong? Was it when I pushed him away? I miss that brief time when we were okay. I want it back.
"Will please lay with me", he turns in the chair to face me.
"Are you sure?", he asks, "after what happened earlier you trust me to get in bed with you?".
"I do", he walks cautiously towards me as though waiting for me to change my mind. He stands at the edge of the bed on the opposite side of me and stares at me hesitantly waiting for me to change my mind. I nod at him in encouragement. He lowers himself onto the comforter in a stiff position.
I just need to be brave. I take a deep breath move closer to him. His face holds an emotion I cannot decipher. His entire body is rigid still.
"Hope what are you doing?", he asks his. What am I doing? I guess the only thing that feels right.
I kiss him. He doesn't react at first and I'm about to pull away in shame when suddenly his lips begin to respond, and his arms encircle my waist and pull my body on top of his. I feel even shyer now with my legs now straddling him. He brings me closer to him so that there's no longer empty space between our chests. My hands are pressed between us and I crave more closeness. All these barriers are too much. I pull back some much to Will's obvious dismay. Clearly thinking that our intimacy is over he is clearly surprised when I begin to pull at his shirt.
"Hope what are you doing?", he asks but, does not stop me. He pulls his body up to help me get it over arms and head. Once it's off I waste no time in leaning back down. I press soft kisses along his jaw and down his neck as my hands explore his abdomen. He moans softly under me. I giggle a bit at him.
He flips us around to where he's on top of me and reconnects our eager lips. I arch myself upwards and tug at my own shirt. He sees my struggles and helps me. Sparks erupt everywhere out skin touches and his hands settle on my hips. It's not enough though.
My clumsy fingers start to undo my jeans. It takes him a moment to realize what I'm doing. With a surprised expression, he pulls back.
"Hope we can stop now", he says, "don't feel like you owe me anything because of what happened earlier".
"I want this", I tell him, "I'm sure". Despite my words. He still looks unsure. I kiss his cheek gently and then push my pants down my thighs before kicking them off the rest of the way.
I wrap my now bare leg around him and that's all the encouragement he needs. After that final push, the rest of the clothing between us come off. And then finally there's nothing between us.

 And then finally there's nothing between us

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