Chapter 8- The Art of Catching a Baby

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8| the art of catching a baby

We were figuring where to go next when another round of sharp pain struck my chest and I had to sit on the sidewalk for a good 10 minutes for my chest pain to fade as Liam stood by me awkwardly, looking around for any signs of danger. Trust him to be reliable at the wrong time.

"Right. Let's go." I said briskly as I pulled myself up.

"Do you feel a little bit less like run over roadkill? Because you kind of still look like it." He asked, sticking out his arms in case I was going to fall. I batted them away with a huff as I checked my phone.

"Just shut up. You're making my head hurt. Anyways, the house should be down the road there....oh god...." I looked into the darkest alley in the suburb. Georgia  and Mum there? Who the hell are these kidnappers?

"Right, now if you get lost, killed or abducted this time, it's not my fault." Liam warned sternly.

"I don't need your help." I huffed, walking away from him.

"You're going the wrong way." He called, grabbing my arm and dragging me into the right direction.

"Pffffttt....I knew that. I was just checking if you were paying attention, dumbhead." I played it off as we walked into the unknown midst. Every dingy shack looked the same as the one after it. Until we stopped in front of a grey 2 storey house. The windows were broken and I could see graffiti on the dry wall.

"So...this is the place." I concluded slowly.

"Right, now you really need to stick with me." Liam warned as he kicked open the door. I looked back outside nervously.

"Welp, here goes nothing." I whispered as we crept into the shabby living room. Old dusty floral sofas and an antique looking coffee table was gathering dust in front of an ancient early 21 century TV.

"Right, we should go upstairs." Liam whispered back as we tiptoed up the creaky old wooden planks.

As soon as we arrived into the second storey house, I was surprised by the old smell of moth balls and perfume. It kinda smelt like Grandma Francis....


The words were slashed onto the striped wallpaper in red, dripping spray paint. I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise. I unwillingly grabbed onto Liam's arm as we entered the the first bedroom to our right.

And that's when I heard it. A harsh scratchy noise was coming from the old, wooden wardrobe.

"Do you hear that?" I asked uncertainly.


I slowly stepped towards the large wardrobe until I was standing right in front of it. My hands shakily grasped the cold metal knob as Liam stood right behind me. I slowly lifted up the fake gun in my other hand. I pulled on the knob.

There were was a small...creature kicking at the wooden door. I peered closely. It was a baby, no older than 1. I slowly reached in and pulled it out. Judging from the pink 'princess' onesie, it was a girl.

"Awww....." I cooed softly.

"Ugh....we're running out of time. Bring that thing with you and come on." Liam looked at the baby disgustedly.

I cradled her in my arms as we sneaked back into the hallway. Her bright blue eyes stared at me in the dark. The door to the second room was locked but Liam's flying foot quickly solved that.

"Who's there?" a shaky voice asked from within the dark room. I recognised the two figures.

"Mother! Georgia! Good god!" I gasped at them, they were tied up in rope and there were cuts on their arms and faces. I ran forward and pulled at the thick rope with no effect as I was still carrying an infant in one arm.

"Let me. Step aside." Liam muttered gruffly before pulling out the dagger we got from the masked man and cut open the ropes. Mother immediately stood up and grasped my shoulders desperately.

"Riley! Go! RUN!  They'll come back soon! Take Georgia with you! Good gracious, is that a baby!?Anyways RUN! NOW! I'm old....and I can't go on. Please....go..." she sobbed, her pained expression matched mine.

"Mum, you know very well that I'd rather die than do that." I stated firmly.

"No! I couldn't bear it if I lost another child....just go! Listen to me!" She insisted.

"No, mum. I can listen to you any other time. Just not this time. Now hurry up." I handed Georgia the baby and I helped her hobble to the window.

"Right. Riley, you climb down first and then let...." Liam looked at my sister.

"Georgia." She informed.

"Right, then let Georgia down. And then Mrs Henzel will go and then me. Got it? Good." Spider-Man commanded. I looked out the window and slowly swung myself out. There were massive chunks of bricks missing which provided a good hold. Before long, Georgia and I were both down.

We watched as Mother slowly eased herself out.

"I-can't do this....." she sobbed.

"Mrs Henzel, you can and you will." I heard Liam say determinedly.

"I...can't..." Mother insisted.

"Well, I'll guess I'll have to carry you down then." Liam sighed.

" are you gonna do that whilst holding that baby as well?" I asked. He looked down at his arms and sighed again.

"Can I trust you Riley?" He asked.

"Yes...?" I asked.

"Well then catch." Liam warned as he DROPPED the baby down. I put my arms out desperately. They almost snapped at the force of the baby's landing but nevertheless I caught her. The baby let out a cry  but I hushed her quickly. We all let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, we're coming down." Liam warned as he slung my mother over his shoulder and began climbing down slowly. Georgia and I held our breaths in anticipation.

Suddenly, his footing slipped and Georgia let out a loud wail in fear.

Liam was now dangling in the air, with only his hands clinging onto the wall. Mother paled considerably.

"F*ck this." He grumbled as he scrambled for a foot hold. I ran up to the wall, grabbed his ankles and put them on a brick for him.

"Now hurry up." I muttered as Liam slowly climbed down. He put Mother down onto the floor as I wiped my sweat on my forehead. But there was no time to celebrate.

The front door slammed shut.

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