Chapter 9-Who's seen Home Alone?

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9| who's seen Home Alone?

Footsteps could be heard pounding up the stairs. We all looked at each other and gulped.

"Go." Liam whispered as we sneaked forward slowly. Shouting could be heard from inside the house.

"THEY'VE GONE!!!!" A voice shouted from inside the house as footsteps could be heard pounding on the floor. Wait....was that the blonde man from before??

"Quick, get the car and follow them! They can't have gone far!" Another voice yelled. We quickly ducked behind a bush as two male figures rushed out of the house, slamming the door forcefully behind them. The blonde man turned around once and seemed to stare right at the bush we were hiding behind. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously.....

"F*ck." Liam cursed silently as he ducked lower, almost squashing my guts in the process with his elbows.

Think fast, Riley, think fast.

I looked around desperately and I saw a rabbit hop past me. I grabbed it quickly and hid it behind the bush next to me. It struggled against my grip and bit me. I hissed in pain.

"What are you doing?" Liam whispered accusingly, looking at the bunny in my arms. The blonde man was reaching for his gun, looking at our bush suspiciously.

"Just watch." I hissed and with that I let go of the rabbit. It shot out of the bush and away into the darkness.

The blonde man watched as the rabbit scurried away and sighed in relief.

"So it was just a blimey rabbit in the bush." He muttered to himself. A car horn blared.

"OI! GET IN! WE HAVE TO CATCH THEM BEFORE THEY GET AWAY!" His partner in crime shouted from inside a dingy truck. It was painted with cheap white paint and clearly stolen. The words "JIM AND SONS TIRES" that were revealed underneath the peeling paint were a dead giveaway. I didn't know why they bothered trying to cover it up. Nobody dared to stop them anyway.

We waited till they drove away noisily, leaving burnouts on the road before we all crawled out from behind the bush.

"We can go now, right?" I asked as we brushed ourselves off. Liam shook his head grimly.

"They'll be circling the neighbourhood, we'll be caught for sure." He said grimly as I looked at the flickering streetlights.

Georgia and Mother exchanged worried glances.

"Then what do we do?" My sister asked worriedly, looking down at the baby in her arms.

"We'll have to eliminate them." Liam announced. We all ogled him like he'd just grown a third eye.

"WHAT?!" We shrieked.

"They already know where we live. We have to take them out before they tell the big boss. Then we'll be in big trouble." Spider-Man informed us.

"Wait...Riley...where's Hunter?" Georgia asked suddenly, looking at me in panic.

"He's at Liam's house. It's fine." I reassured but her look of worry didn't fade.

Liam, however had other plans.

"Enough of that, we need a plan. I'm sorry ladies, but we have to get them." He flashed a seemingly dazzling smile. I wasn't fooled, I would see the worry behind his shiny teeth.

"Well.......Who's seen Home Alone?" I asked slowly.


A while later, we had discovered that the house had a whole storage room of stuff that we could use. Rope, paint, chemicals, everything. We quickly went to work, leaving Mother to sit down and mind the baby as Georgia, Liam and I worked on booby trapping the house. Thanks to my inspiration of Home Alone, we had created a pretty darn deadly trap.

I tied a string at the front door so that anyone that entered would trip and fall. In the case that they did, we poured sulfuric acid and superglue at the doorway so that the men would get chemical burn and end up being stuck to the super glue.

We also stuck two glass bottles together, filled one bottle with nitric acid and the other hydrazine so that they would explode if we broke the bottles. The idea was so genius that we made several for each person.

Honestly, it pays to be a chemistry nerd sometimes.

Call us lame but for our final trap, we also put 2 buckets of bleach on the top of each slightly ajar door. Typical high school prank but deadlier.

We were clearly working on an adrenaline rush because as soon as we finished the truck was back.

"Everybody, places!" Liam hissed as he ducked behind a cabinet which was closest to the front door. I hid behind the floral sofa and Mother and Georgia were hiding under the stairs, clutching onto the bottles of chemicals for dear life. Not that they were planning to actually use them, but just in case things went south.

As soon as the blonde man threw open the door, he tripped over the string and landed onto the floor. I cringed as his skin burnt.

"ROGER HELP!" He yelled at the ginger man behind him but Roger himself also tripped and fell right next to the blonde man.

"I can't, Billy! ARGH THIS STUFF BURNS!" Roger cried as he forcefully tugged his way out of the superglue, wincing as his skin was torn off.

"ARGH YOU USELESS DOLT! COME ON!" Billy yelled they were slowly emerged out of the mess. They're skin was red and they were bleeding.

"CHECK EVERYWHERE! YOU GO UPSTAIRS! I'LL CHECK DOWN HERE!" Roger yelled as he crept closer to Liam's cabinet. Spider-Man waited for the right moment before jumping out at him and threw the chemical bottles on him. Roger was literally set on fire, he rolled on the ground to put out the fire but ended up getting stuck to the superglue again.

"glib glub!" He moaned as his mouth was sealed shut by the superglue. I rushed out to pour water on him from the bucket of water that we'd prepared (as we needed our victims alive) before tying him up securely.

Roger tugged at them with all his might.

"Sorry bud, but I know my hobble knots." I whispered sympathetically.

"Glub glub!" He mumbled angrily, shooting me a death glare. I motioned for Georgia and Mother to stay put as Liam and I slowly went upstairs to see Billy about to open a door. The bleach splashed down on him and he ran around like a mad man.

"MY EYES! THEY STING!!!!!!" He yelled, accidentally banging his head on a wall and he passed out. I took another bucket of water that I had hid and splashed it on him to wash the bleach off. I almost wanted to puke at what we had done. Had we gone too far? We tied him up and dragged him down the stairs.

"That was an easy kill." Liam commented casually. I stared at him.

"How are you even...? You know what? I'll just call the police for them to bring these guys to the hospital." I sighed.


Even though Roger and Billy would probably get irritated skin and a couple of chemical burns and such, IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED THAT YOU TRY THIS AT HOME!!! Like duh.... why would you do that? -_-.



the bad boy's scared of bugsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin