Chapter 16-Chipmunks, that's what I said

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16| Chipmunks, that's what I said

Liam stared at me as I lurched forward in nausea. Looking at the sight of my own vomit just makes me want to puke even more....

"You didn't! I just sent my car in for servicing two days ago!" he groaned.

"Well I did." I deadpanned flatly.

"Seriously! We're literally on your driveway. Anyways, come on." Liam got out of the car and opened the door on my side. I managed to get out of the car and stood there looking all wobbly.

"It's ok, I got this." I tried to smile in attempt to reassure Liam who was looking at me like I was about to die.

"You sure about that?"

"Yea-" I felt my stomach turn again as I vomited onto the sidewalk, the acidy taste of the day's lunch burning my throat.

"My SHOES!!!! OK, you know what? Take this...." Liam grabbed an empty McDonald's bag and picked me up bridal style.

"I'm FINE! Actually on second thoughts-" I didn't get to finish the sentence and bought the bag up to my mouth.

"All right, where's your house key?" Liam asked impatiently. I craned my neck to see that we were in front of my front door.

"I'm not giving you that!" I glared.

"Fine, do it yourself then." He sighed, setting me down. I dug into my jean pockets and produced the shiny key that was attached to a red keychain.

"Just you watch." I mumbled determinedly, trying to get the key into the hole. I kept missing and scratched the door.

"You ok?" Liam's voice sounded from behind me. Realising this is the most uncoordinated I've ever been, I tried to suppress the bubbling laughter that sounded from my throat.

"Hahahahahaha! Oh my god, this is hilarious!" I giggled. Liam looked at me with concern.

"You feeling ok?"

"Hahahahaha! Yes....crap, never mind." I held onto the McDonald's paper bag for dear life.

"Just give it to me." Liam snatched the key from my hand, unlocked the goddamn door before pointedly pressing the key back into my palm.

"Oh there we go- WHOOPS!" I chuckled as I tripped on the door ledge.

"Steady there."

"SOFA MY DEAR FRIEND!!! MY COMPANION!! MY SOULMATE!!!" I reached out towards the most handsome piece of furniture that was in the living room.

"You're nuts."

"Like possums! Or groundhogs, whatever the frick the nut eating animal is." I mumbled as I threw myself onto the soft cushions.

"That sounded really dirty by the way. You mean squirrels?"

"That's because you're perverted! Chipmunks. That's what I said." I mumbled as I pressed my face into the cool leather.

"I said squirrels, not chipmunks."

"Same difference."

"Yeah but-" Liam persisted.

"I don't want to be arguing about rodents right now!" I grumbled loudly.

"Then what do you want?"

"FOOOOODDDD!!!!!" I lifted my head momentarily to call for my other soulmate. Ahh....dear food.

"What kinda food?"

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