Chapter 27- ten laps around the park

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27| ten laps around the park

It was one of those lazy days were I finished my homework early and had nothing to do. Opening my laptop, I aimlessly scrolled through a bunch of TV shows. For some reason, my eyes flickered over the Victoria's Secret Fashion show. Not really caring, I clicked on it.

Well, that sure did a fat lot of good for my self esteem. All of the models were all so pretty and fit and I was just...boring old me.

God, I really needed to workout. But with who? I definitely needed a buddy to do it with or I'd lose my motivation.

Natalie? Nah, she's lazier than me.
Maddie? Definitely not in her current state.


I cringed at the thought but sadly, he was the fittest person I knew. Like Christ, the guy has a six-pack! Sighing, I dialled his number.

"Hey." His low voice sounded through the speakers of my phone.
"Hi, random question but do you workout?" I asked immediately, later regretting it due to how weird I sounded.
"Yeah...? Why?"
"Are you good at it?" I persisted.

Goddamn Riley! Why do you sound like such a perv?

"I would say so? What do you want?"
"So...I really need to start working out and—" I began explaining.
"And you want me to help you?" Liam cut off, his amusement obvious in his voice.
"Yeah..." I answered meekly.
"And why would I do that?" He challenged.

Of course, why would he help me?

"Ugh never mind then—"
"Meet me at your local park at 5am tomorrow morning. If you aren't there I'll come to your house myself." He said briskly, before hanging up.
I stared at my phone, surprised that he actually said yes.
"Well that went well. This is going to be easy." I muttered to myself.

Despite my determination from the night before, I found myself being rudely woken up by my loud ringtone. I rubbed my eyes and answered the phone.
"If you're calling to sell me life insurance, the answer is no." I groaned into the phone, not looking at who was calling.
"I'm literally in front of your house right now. You clearly overslept" Liam replied. I looked out the window to see him leaning on his car.
"Just peachy." I simpered sarcastically.

Five minutes later, I found myself literally dragged out of bed by none other than Liam McCoy himself. Honestly, my mother should stop letting him into the house.

"'re telling me that this is supposed to make me healthy? I'm literally dying here." I puffed as I ran after him.
"Yes, this is in fact supposed to make you healthy." Liam called back. He stopped and waited for me to catch up whilst breathing in a "wow-lets-appreciate-the-fresh-air-of-the-park-because-I-love-exercising" kinda way.
"Too bad I'll be six feet under by the time we're done." I retaliated.
"Riley, we literally did half a lap around this park. And may I add that you were the one who called me last night wanting to get fit?" He looked at me in an unimpressed kind of way.
"Are you discriminating against the weak?"
"Less talking more running. Ten laps is just the warmup." Liam smirked, before running off again. I sent a quick prayer to the heavens before dashing after him.

"I am done! I am deceased!" I moaned as I collapsed onto the wet, dewy grass. After another nine and a half laps around the park, fifty squats, ten pushups and a minute side plank on both sides, I was convinced that I was no longer alive.
"Seriously? Already? Honestly, we aren't even half way through my usual routine AND I was going easy on you." Liam stood over me, his tone skeptical.
"You're not human. It's impossible. I refuse to believe that you are able to do all of this and still look like..." I took a drink from my water bottle and waved an arm at his figure.
"Well yeah, I like achieving the impossible." He grinned, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

"Show off." I snorted.
"I'll stop helping you then." he started walking off.
"Wait! No! Come back! You're the only person I know who's not lazy!" I ran after him and grabbed his shoulder.
"Huh...just once. You better start being nicer to me then." He retorted, narrowing his eyes.
"Aye aye captain." I grinned, giving him a mock salute.

"Now, five more laps around the park and you can go home."
"Ughhh you're sadistic." I groaned as we started off jogging again.
"Of course." Liam replied shamelessly with a wink.

By the time I got home, I was so sweaty that I thought my sweat beads were producing their own sweat. Ok TMI but it's true.

"Hey, how was your morning run? Woah!" My mum commented as I stumbled into the kitchen where she was cooking.
"I'd say it was way more than just running." I plonked down one of the stools and emptied my bottle of water.
"Well I'm glad you had fun, but you should really shower."
"Yeah, will do." I called back.

I had just got out of the shower when I checked my phone and realised that I had two missed calls from Liam.
"What?" I greeted him as I called him back.
"Hi Riley. Just wanted to check if you were still alive. You looked like you were going to pass out." He replied.
"I'm doing just swell, Liam." I flatpanned.
"Honestly, I'm surprised you held up this well. I was actually purposing doing the hard ones—"
"You what?!" I almost screeched.
"Yeah well I was just messing with ya..."
"Freaking hell, I don't have time do deal with this. I'm going to hang up now."

"Well you're still up for tomorrow right?" He asked hopefully.
Like an idiot I said, "Yeah, sure."
"Sweet. See ya!" Liam hung up abruptly but not before I heard him chuckle.
"What have I gotten myself into." I mumbled in annoyance, throwing myself onto my bed.
"Riley, you're gonna be late!" Mum yelled from downstairs.
"Oh shit!" I yelled before heaving myself up again, wincing at the pain in my muscles.

Screw my life.

2 updates on TBBSOB on the same day, within hours of each other! Damn I'm proud of myself!

hope xx

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