Chapter 21

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A low voice whispered unidentifiable things into my ear

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A low voice whispered unidentifiable things into my ear. I could feel their warm breath tickling my cheek and ear. I could feel his strong, warm fingers brush through my hair. The tingles seemed to be absorbed by my skin and sent right through my skull, making my brain turn to mush. I hated it. I absolutely hated it. I felt vulnerable, weak in him presence, from a single touch of his hand. A single brush of his fingertips sent my mind into a frenzy and only focused on him. I couldn't stand for it, I wouldn't allow it.

The tingles slowly began to run against my face as his calloused fingers traced over my features. His other hand was holding mine in his grasp, sending those annoyingly pleasant sparks up my arm. I needed to put an end to it.

My brain was still turned to mush and my body felt heavy. My eyelids felt like they were glued shut and they would not open no matter how hard I tried. I focused all of my energy trying to pry my fingers from his grasp but I was completely immobile. I felt tired, exhausted even though I hadn't even moved a muscle.

The whispering continued but my brain could not make out what they were saying. His warm breath moved from my ear, to my cheek and eventually to my lips. His breathy words caressed my lips and I could smell the spearmint toothpaste he uses.

"Please." It was the first word I picked up. "Please, wake up." I felt something wet fall upon my cheek and slide down my face. I felt him bury his face into neck and his warm breath was now being exhaled onto my collarbone. "Please, I'm begging you. Just wake up."

The short knocks sounded at the door and his face lifted my neck, leaving me disappointed and cold. He wiped the stray tear off my face but his hand remained on mine. "Come in."

"Alpha?" A male in which I did not know, said. "Your parents are beginning to grow very impatient and demand to know what's going on." He continued. "If you don't come out soon then they will come in here and get it out of you." Alpha sighed tiredly.

"I should have expected this from them. Tell them I will be out soon."

"Yes, Alpha." I heard the door shut and Alpha sighed again. " I have leave now but I will be back as soon as I can." He let go of my hand and moved both of them to my face.  "Just, please be okay." He planted a soft, lingering kiss on my forehead. "I'll see you later." He whispered on my skin and left the room. As soon as his hands left my face, the tingles went with him and my body was immediately overcome by unbearable pain. My whole body felt as if I were shifting again for the first time and I felt like puking. I instantly wanted him back. I wanted him to hold my hand and for him to play with my hair and take the pain away. I fell back j to the oblivion wishing to the moon and back that he would come and take this pain away.

The second time I woke up, I had no idea how much time has passed. This time, I could opened my eyes but it took a few moments to be able to get use of my limbs again. My body was in excruciating pain and my joints ached with every movement. I tried to sit up but whimpered when a piercing pain shot up my left arm when I put any weight on it. My throat felt as if I dry swallowed a pill and then ate a pound sand.

On the stand next to bed was a glass full of water. I reached over and grasped it between my weak fingers, my hand shook from the effort in trying to hold the heavy object. I slowly and carefully brought the glass to my lips so that it may soothe my sore throat. The water and glass were still cool to the touch meaning that someone had just placed it there recently.

After downing the entire glass, my throat still felt raw but it felt much better than before. I set the glass back down on the table and looked around the room. The plain, white walls were the same as the room that I first woke up in when I first arrived here. There was a chair pulled up next to the bed and the plastic seat still held the impression from someone sitting in it for a long period of time. Yet again, wires decorated the inside of my elbow and wrist.  Grimacing, I removed the IVs from my veins and set the bloody needles on the bed.

Bracing myself against the bed, I placed my bare feet on the cold floor and stood up. My knees quivered but otherwise were fairly steady. After a few moments, I let go of the bed but my knees buckled under my weight and gave out. Thankfully instead of falling to the ground, I caught myself and leaned against the bed again.

After a few more minutes, I gained more feeling back in my legs and they stopes quivering almost completely. I looked down to examine the damage that had been done to my body but stopped when I noticed my attire. I was wearing a  white, males shirt and it came down almost to my knees. It was drenched with the smell of pine and cedar and I liked it.

Keeping on hand on the wall for balance, I limped out of the room and down the hall.  I followed the sound of people's voices and it led me to the kitchen.

Alpha Orion was sitting on a stool by the island facing towards me but he hadn't noticed me yet. His head was resting on his hands and eyes were closed, surrounded them were dark circles. A tall make with black hair sat across from him and fairly short woman with brown hair was standing next to him, grasping his shoulder. Alpha then opened his eyes and notices me first.

"Malia, you shouldn't be up and out of bed. You could have hurt yourself." He said softly, his green eyes were puffy and red, almost as if he were crying. He stood up from his seat and the woman let go of his shoulder. His movements were deliberately slow towards me. When he stood next to me, he slowly brought up his hand and watched to see my reaction. When I didn't flinch away, he slowly wound his arm around back and braced my weight instead of the wall. I could feel the warmth emitting from his arm and hand. The mate bond seemed to ignore that I was wearing a shirt because I could the tingles through the cotton material and it took the pain away.

I glanced up and noticed that the dark haired man was now turned around in his seat and was focused on the interaction between Alpha and I. I quickly moved my gaze over the woman and my eyes met hers. I gasped and so she.

I remembered her almost immediately.

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