Chapter 79

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Stunned, I moved to the sides d let him in

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Stunned, I moved to the sides d let him in. He seemed to be the same, not taking his eyes of me for a second. Orion moved in front of me, giving me a second to regain myself, allowing me a second to breath.

"Thank you for coming." Orion said, shaking his hand.

"Thank you for inviting me." His voice was low and smooth. His eyes sparkled with pure and utter happiness.

Orion led the both of us to the living room, the man siting across the table from me in the chair. We were all silent at first but it wasn't awkward. It was more like a reminiscing feeling, trying to grasp if this truly was reality.

"It is you." He said again and I nodded again.

"I-I never thought this day would happen. I've though of so many things to say to you, how this would all go down. Now, that it's actually happening, I have no idea what to do." He admitted.

"Why don't you start from the beginning and I'll go make us some drinks."

'Call me if you need me. I'll be right back.'  He told me before disappearing into the kitchen. We were both silent for a few moments, as he was trying to think of something to say.

"Well, Jason was always the competence one out of the two of use." He started, fumbling over his words a bit.

"He would always have to be first, whether it was in training or if we were just walking home, he always had to beat me. If I won in anything, he would snap and it wouldn't end well for anyone. After his last break down, my father and I concluded that it would be best if we would just let him win if any sort of competition led on. It was safer for everyone but it began to go to his head and inflate his ego."

Orion returned with three cups and distributed them. The two of them were drinking coffee whilst he handed me a mug of tea. Dad smiled.

"You're so much like her." He said, making my heart warm.

"He would always boast that he was better than me and as time for me to become Alpha, he declared that he should." He continued and Orion sat quietly beside me.

"I had met my mate, your mother, two days after my first shift, yet he never did. It was another thing he saw hanging over his head, something I had and he didn't.

He was a bit flirtatious with her and would continuously boast how much better he was than me but it was nothing too concerning. Besides, he settled down a bit after I became Alpha. Everything was running smoothly and we all thought he was over his power crave."

He signed and rubbed his hands over his face. He looked worn down and pitiful, a broken look in his eyes. I clutched Orion's hand as my heart ached for his suffering.

"He took you mother away from me three months after I found out that she was pregnant with you. I looked for you two for month but there was no trace of you guys anywhere."

He removed the lid off of the box and pulled out a letter and a clear bag full of what looks like hair. Reaching out his arm, he handed them over to me.

"Jason gave those to me six months after he took you and your mother. It was the day you were born, twenty years from today."

Looking down at the letter, the pages were tough and wrinkles beneath my hands. It was once white but is now a dingy yellow color that came with age.

It's a bitch. Congratulations.

The harsh words were scrawled on the page with messy hand writing. The words looked as if they had been written in blood, the once red now ugly brown smudges. The faint scent of iron hit my nose, disgusting me. Sick to the stomach, I set the note aside, focusing on the bag. It's contents were, in fact, hair. Long strands of blonde were also matted together with blood.

"Mom?" I asked and looked up at him as he nodded.

"Yeah, yeah they are hers. Both of the items were cover in her scent. Those were the last things that I have ever seen from her."

Reaching across the table, I wrapped my hands around his, them shaking in my own. They were cold to the touch, something that surprised me immensely.

"I-I felt her die. That's the only reason why I knew I would see her anymore. Through, I didn't know if you were still living or not. I prayed to the Moon Goddess and your mother that I could find you. You were only just an infant at the time and it was highly unlikely that he would have kept you alive, but I never gave up.

Three and a half years ago, we found his hideout. It was in an extremely remote part of what human's called Alaska. No packs resided there as it was completely overruned with rouges." Reaching into the box, he pulled out a familiar leather bound book and handed it over to me.

"Mom's diary." I whispered and gently took it from him. The once brown leather was now corroded and filled with dust, the pages now a yellow. An overwhelming smell of mildew and dust wafted up my nose but I pressed it closer to me anyway.

"I saw that you had written you name in it and that gave me hope that you were still alive." Undoing the latch, my sloppy handwriting was still there, right under my mother's.

"This was about you, wasn't it? Not him." I whispered, my fingers gently tracing the memorized words on the pages. A smile appeared on his lips.

"She would take that everywhere with her, constantly jotting down her ideas and thoughts. She'd never let me read it and I let her have her privacy to keep her happy. When I found it, I couldn't resist the urge of reading it. I remembered every single thing she wrote about, every place and every moment. Reading it now made her feel like she was still there with me." Pulling out one last thing from the box, he set it aside, gazing at the last idem.

"I thought that you would have wanted to see this."

The last idem was a glass picture frame, filled with different sized images. Starting in the top left corner, it was of a young man and women laughing, the man's images identical to my father's. Following the border, the two people feature in these pictures got older but the same look of love was still very visible in their eyes. Lastly, I settled on the largest photo being featured in the center.

There, it was only a picture of the women. She was much older than the first image. She wasn't focused on the camera but I could still see that she was beautiful. Her long, blonde waves went perfectly with her smooth skin and blue eyes. She opened mouthed smile features a pair of mostly straight, white teeth, one slightly turned. I had never seen her before but I knew exactly who she was.

"Mom." I choked out, a tear following onto the glass. Standing up, I wrapped my arms around his neck and stoned into his chest.

"Thank you." I sobbed. "Thank you so much." His arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer, his own tears following mine. He smelled of burning firewood and freshly mowed grass. He smelled of hope, of longing and loneliness.

"Happy Birthday." A kiss being placed on my forehead.

He was family.

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